Lol im not famous

yet (;

Tuesday 23 November 2010

The Lost Spartans Update

After writing 2 episodes of the OPMF machinima, The Lost Spartans, i realised that the series was a dead end. The plot line of the story didn't allow much freedom within the Halo story itself. Obviously the idea of Prototype Spartans could find its way into a future machinima but for now the whole project has been put on hold indeffinatly.

However, after canning The Lost Spartans, I have started work on a 10 part Halo Machinima called "Sangheilli". The idea of this machinima is that a six man ODST team crashland on an unihabbited planet looking for a battle frigate called "the Lancelot" that was presumed lost at the battle of Sigma Octanus IV (a real battle in the Halo saga).

The Series is split up into 10 episodes in series one, the 10th episode is a cliff hanger for series 2. The main influences for this machinima where: Predator, Aliens, Indiana Jones and a teeney bit of Avatar the legend of Aang. The first 9 episodes are finnished and saved on my laptop waiting to be distributed to the cast, Andriarno, Duckegg, Eco Maiden, Jordzie, M1sterm4n and TheBozOfBilly, when i find enough time to get on my xbox again.

Episode one starts off in 3 falcons (guest piloted) as they fly onto the forge world set, allready made on my hard drive, the falcons are disabled by an EMP shield (spawn zone) and crash land. The ODST team sets about disabiling the EMP shield via antenea around the set, after rigging the antenea to blow the audience will see the bad guys for the machinima for the first time as the surviving pilot is killed and thrown down the cliff face. Episode 2 leads from the EMP shield to an abandonned campsite further down the valley. This episode will be the full reveal of the enemy and the death of one of the ODST team. The killed cast member will return as a new character in episode 3 so don't worry about not being involved in this machinima if your character is scripted to die.

The set of the machinima will have any number of sets, however episode 1-4 can be filmed in one set (forge world). Episode 4, which only casts Duckegg and M1sterm4n takes place on the spire map. Episode 5, casting only Andriarno, Billy and Maiden will be filmed in forge world with a diffrent map for each room the cast go in. Episode 6 and 7 will cast all members and have to have seperate maps for each room. Episode 8, which is a whole episode of Jordzie will be filmed in one room so one map. As for episode 9 and 10, these will be filmed on the map "countdown" and will require an guest acount controlled by each of us. these episodes will also give every cast member a second voice role. Episode 10 will also call on Duckeggs ability to use Sony Vegas' Masking software as it will need to show a certain cast member walking away from the map outside the boundries of the playable area. The Finale Episode will also need another guest account from the cast reaching the max player limit.

This machinima isn't based on a specific character, unlike my Grand Theft Auto Machinimas Ie "Speed" = Andriarno, Duckegg and M1sterm4n. "Outbreak 1/2" = Billy and Maiden. "LCPD SWAT" = Andriarno, Duckegg and M1sterm4n. "Cluck 'n' Run" = Maiden, Duckegg, M1sterm4n and Billy. This Machinima series is more about the team as a whole, the characters do get their own episodes in a sense so they can explain there own narrative within the story.

On a whole "Sanghelli" is one of OPMF's best machinima scripts which is set to become one of the best Operation Mind Fuck's machinimas, once they're all created. Obviously "the lost spartans" might resurface in the future once i have a clear direction the machinima can go but from now on "Sangheilli" will be the main machinima in production after "all for one" by Eco Maiden has been completed.


Wednesday 3 November 2010

Lemme get one thing straight...

I do not like Halo.

Halo 1, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo Wars, Halo 3 ODST, Halo Reach... i hate them all.

Fact is: i only play the halo games for the multiplayer and for making machinimas. the campaign can go to hell. The thing is ive just bought the Halo Reach soundtrack FOR  MACHINIMA PURPOSES ONLY. The Reach soundtrack is the second Game OST ive ever bought to be honest, the other being MW2, and in its own right does do justice to the game.

Im looking forward to filming "The Lost Spartans" over the next few days and we should have episode one out by December. Once we get all the text font right, Somthing we all argue over, we may put up a trailer aswell.


Monday 1 November 2010

Returning Back To Xbox Live Toight

been so busy recently havent found much time for gaming D:

"all work and no play makes Andriarno a very dull boy"

Well im getting back onto my xbox again tonight, pulling phone off the hook, locking the door and turning my phone off and sitting down with my xbox for atleast 5 hours tonight.

Andriarno is back baby !! xD