Lol im not famous

yet (;

Wednesday 29 December 2010


Welcome to the First OperationMF machinima, Sanghelli.

As i am sure you're aware i have been bombarding you all with scripts for machinimas, ranging from zombies to SWAT, from prototype spartans to banished coventant armys. I am pleased to report that after a few weeks of writing, the first episode of Sanghelli, has been completed. The first episode features all the cast members: Andriarno, Duckegg, Jordzie, Maiden, M1sterm4n and Billy as well as introducing Afflikted666. Obviously as its an ODST machinima the cast will be required to wear ODST armour. ie: helmet, shoulders and chest plate. Each indervidual character has a diffrent secondary armour colour also, to help distinguish who is who, the details of everyones colours can be found at the top of the script along with character names.

This brings me on to my second point, character names. The names that i have put on the script are just names i thought up, you can change your own character name, sensibly, to what ever you want. Apart from Eco Maiden, he must be called "james" as that is his name in every script and in real life. 

Episode one starts on Anchor Nine, so obviously we will need all cast members to have the Noble Map Pack. Not having the right maps is a real time waster. Another time waster is when certain people, not naming names, are not online. This obviously isnt very helpful as we can't use guest accounts to fill in the slots because they are unable to wear ODST armour. While talking to Max (duckegg) we established that we should aim to complete atleast one episode a week, and concidering the episodes would only be 5 - 7 minutes long we should get it all done in one night. If we can film one episode in one night i think we should choose a weekday night that we can ll get online on and get the episode filmed. What night has still to be established.

Max also stated that he would prefer to have all the episodes filmed, edited and voice synced up before releasing episode one so that we can upload weekly. Obviously we would make this decision as a group when we start filming episode one, from there we can dicide what direction to take with the uploading.

On a personal note i would like to say that i have money now :P so i will be buying a new capture card that can film in 60 Pal, this means that i can directly film the camera angles i want from Halo to be edited on my laptop, then sent to max for HDifying and Sony Vegas upgrading. (Max, i do need help choosing what capture card to buy seeing as your so clever with that crap) This will obviously be alot easier than me filming, sending to max, max recording, max sends to me, i edit, send to max bla bla bla.

Also just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone at OperationMF and Happy New Year. Hope you all got what you wanted, apart from duckegg i know you didnt get what you wanted (black ops) and try not to get too wasted on new years eve :P

Many Thanks

(check back here on the 2nd for episode one script)