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yet (;

Monday 3 January 2011

Script Sanghelli Episode 1

Halo Reach Machinima

Episode one
The New Guy

Script Draft 2
Andriarno 2010

Main Cast

Andriarno / Blue / Alex Gaskarth
 Duckegg45 / Brick / TJ O’Connor
Eco Maiden / coral / James Durden
Jordzie & Afflicted / white/ Jordan Smith
M1sterm4n / Violet / Rian Dawson  
TheBozOfBilly / Forest / Matt Barnes

Secondary Cast

Command Central
3 Falcon Pilots (guest accounts)
Elite Doubles (guest accounts or main cast)
Explosive Rigs (guest accounts)

Loadouts for main cast, Game Type: Machinima

Maiden – Noble One
Andriarno – Noble two
Duckegg – Noble Three
M1sterm4n & Jordzie/afflicted – Noble Four
Billy – Noble Five

Note: Loadouts apply to certain armour changes within the team. For example: Billy, Duckegg and Andriarno have specific roles there armour is changed for. (Sniper, Grenades or Shotgun Shells) The other cast members, M1sterm4n, Maiden and Jordzie will get personalised armour later during the series…


Halo Sanghelli is a Machinima written by Andriarno for OperationMF, the Machinima is set at the same time as the fall of Reach, 2552, and follows a specialist unit of ODST, Orbital Drop Shock Troopers.

The ODST team, consisting of 5 members, are brought out of active duty from the colonies and flew across the galaxy for a search and rescue mission for the lost USMC frigate, Katara. Once down on the planets surface the team soon realise that there’s something stalking them in the shadows of the planet, and even worse, they’re cut off from command orbiting above….


Act 1 – Scene 1 –  Anchor 9

CE – Camera opens up on anchor nine, outside the airlock looking down over the planet below

Subtitle: Orbiting planet Cloud, July 24th 2552.

CE – the camera floats down and rests above Duckeggs shoulder.

Maiden – TJ?

SD – duckegg turns and see’s maiden standing on the other side of the airlock

Maiden – what you doing out there?

SD – duckegg walks back through the air lock and stands next to maiden

Duckegg – sorry captain, just *sighs* wanted to be on my own for a bit…

Maiden – what’s up?

SD – duckegg looks away from maiden and then turns back

Duckegg – just this, we’re ODST, we’re meant to be fighting the covenant. Not be on some back water planet looking for lost marines

SD – maiden turns and looks out into space

Maiden – quicker we find them quicker we get back to reach

Billy – not a day too soon

SD – duckegg and maiden look up to the platform where billy is standing

CE – camera follows where they’re looking

SD – billy drops down beside maiden and duckegg

Billy – well the new guy will make this trip more interesting

Duckegg – new guy?

Billy – yeah, some colony trash from Reach just got accepted. So… we’re baby sitting on a baby mission

Duckegg – brilliant…

Maiden – new guy or not, he’s ODST, and we look after our own. Understood?

Duckegg & Billy – yes sir.

SFX – beeping from maidens tac pad

SD – maiden looks down

Maiden – right, time for the brief, head over to the briefing room. I’ll catch up

SD – duckegg and billy start walking from maiden underneath the walkways

CE – duck and billy walk past the camera.

CE – camera shows maiden standing looking away from the camera.

SD – jordzie/afflicted steps out in front of the camera.

Jordzie – Captain

SD – maiden turns to jordzie / Afflicted

Maiden – you must be the new guy.

Jordzie – Private Jordan Smith, 64th ODST squadron reporting for duty

Maiden – ok Jordan, keep the regimented “sir yes sir” horse crap for the admiral. You’ll find out pretty quick that we don’t use that sort of chatter here.

Jordzie – sir, command told us to

Maiden – *interrupting* seriously don’t worry about it

SD – maiden starts walking towards the briefing room

Maiden – Admiral Sheppard will want you to talk like that

SD – jordzie / afflicted follows maiden underneath the walkways

Act 1 – Scene 2 – Anchor 9

CE – camera opens up in the repair room

SD – in the room theres duckegg, billy and Andriarno and the admiral.

SD – the admiral turns from looking through the window so he’s looking at the ODST team

SD – maiden and Jordzie / afflicted walk into the room

Admiral – ah good, you’re all here

SD – maiden steps forwards

Maiden – sir, what about Lt. Dawson

Admiral – he’s already gone down to the planet, we’ve set up a command outpost about 40 miles from where the ships broadcasting its distress signal, he should have everything you need ready.

Billy – sir?

Admiral – what is it soldier

Billy – why aren’t we using drop pods directly over the distress signal?

Admiral – this is a search and rescue op gentlemen, the falcons will take you in to the mission zone, you’ll find the missing troopers and head back to the command post for evac

Billy – brilliant

SFX – electronic beeping

SD – the admiral turns to the computer screen behind him

SFX – beeping stops

SD – admiral turns back to the ODST team

Admiral – the USMC has considered deployment of a Spartan team to the planet

SD – the admiral turns towards andriarno

Admiral – Alex, I believe you have had the chance to work with Noble Team back on Reach?

Andriarno – once, back when I was just a private, when they took down a covenant super carrier.

CE – while andriarno is talking flashbacks to the “deliver hope” trailer.

CE – camera comes back into the room again

Admiral – well they’ll be given the assignment if you don’t report back within 24 days.

Maiden – 24 days?

Admiral – that will be all captain

SD – all the ODST team apart from maiden turn around and start to leave the room

SD – the admiral stands looking at maiden

CE – camera turns from the admiral and maiden to the doorway

SD – through the doorway walks a military police officer

Police – Admiral, Colonel Holland’s on the radio. Something about winter weather or something

SD – the admiral turns to the military police officer

Admiral – Im coming

SD – the admiral walks out the room leaving maiden

SD – maiden then turns and follows the rest of the ODST team

Act 1 – Scene 3 – Anchor 9

CE – camera opens back up at the bottom of the steps while maiden walks down them

SD – Andriarno standing at the top of the stairs

Andriarno – mind telling us what that was all about?

SD – maiden stops just at the bottom of the steps

SD – all the other ODST team looks towards maiden

Maiden – it was nothing

SD – maiden starts walking forwards again

Andriarno – didn’t sound like nothing

SD – maiden stops

CE – camera puts maiden’s helmet filling one half of the screen and the other half shows the rest of the ODST team standing behind him

SD – maiden turns to andriarno

CE – camera goes up to andriarno

Andriarno – sorry captain

SD – maiden turns and starts walking again

SD – andriarno drops down to where billy and duckegg are standing. (jordzie standing alone)

Andriarno – what’s with him?

Duckegg – it’s this mission, its horse shit

Andriarno – really? You think so?

Billy – ive never seen him this agitated over a mission

SD – jordzie/afflicted starts walking towards where billy, andriarno and duckegg are standing

Duckegg – c’mon we better get ready, we’re supposed to be loaded up in 10 minutes

Billy – brilliant…

SD – andriarno, duckegg and billy start walking away

SD – jordzie stops where he was standing

CE – camera goes beside jordzie and watches andriarno, duck and billy walk away

Jordzie – *mocking voice* hey Jordan, nice to meet you, welcome to the 64th ODST squadron

Jordzie – *normal voice* thank you

Jordzie – *mocking voice* -- would you like us to show you where the arms room is?

Jordzie – *normal voice* -- oh gee, that would be great

SD – jordzie looks straight down to the floor

Jordzie – *Sighs*

CE – camera looks across the map

SD – andriarno, duck and billy reach the end of the map and are about to turn through the walkway

Billy – *shouting* new guy? You coming or what?

SD – jordzie looks up

SD – Jordzie starts jogging to catch up with the other ODST

Act 2 – Scene 1 – Breakpoint

CE – camera looks down over the control panel inside one of the buildings

Title: Planet Cloud, USMC

SFX – beeping

SD – m1sterm4n steps in front of the camera blocking the screen with his back

SFX – beeping stops

M1sterm4n – Admiral…
Admiral – Lieutenant… the rest of your trooper squad will be arriving shortly

M1sterm4n – thank you sir

SD – m1sterm4n steps forward

Admiral – oh, lieutenant

SD – m1sterm4n stands still again

Admiral – you remember the main objective right?

M1sterm4n – yes sir, I’ll see that’s it’s done

Admiral – very good. Akbar out.

SFX – video static

SD – m1sterm4n steps forwards to turn it off

SFX – static cuts out

M1sterm4n – wait, his names “Admiral Akbar”?

M1sterm4n – *laughs*

SFX – falcons flying overhead

SD – m1sterm4n walks out of camera shot towards the exit door.

Act 2 – Scene 2 – Breakpoint

CE – camera shows 3 falcons flying overhead

SD – the falcons fly up over the outpost and set down on the hill side near some creates.

CE – camera shows the 5 ODST team members getting off the turrets and start walking down towards the outpost

CE – camera goes down to m1sterm4n now standing just outside the outpost beside the road

SD – m1sterm4n watches the 5 ODST team walk over to him leaving the pilots in the falcons

SD – billy stops walking forwards

Billy – *sneezes*

SD – the rest of the ODST team stop walking and look at billy

Billy – oh. My. God. Its all over my visor!!!

SD – billy starts running towards the outpost

SD – the other 4 other ODST begin walking again laughing

CE – camera goes to where m1sterm4n is

M1sterm4n – you’re that excited to see me?

CE – camera goes to a few shots of billy running past

Billy – *during all shots of running* eww eww eww eww eww

CE – camera goes to m1sterm4n

Billy – where’s the bathroom?!

M1sterm4n – round the back why?

Billy – no time

SD – billy runs past m1sterm4n and into the outpost.

CE – camera goes back to m1sterm4n as the other 4 ODST walk across the road

M1sterm4n – good to see you captain

Maiden – you too lieutenant

M1sterm4n – who’s the new guy?

Duckegg – that’s our new number 6

M1sterm4n – *instant response* what?

Jordzie – My names Jordan Smith and you are…?

M1sterm4n – Rian Dawson, you all right newbie?

SD – andriarno and duckegg walk into the outpost leaving maiden, m1sterm4n and jordzie on the door step.

Maiden – well im leaving him with you Rian, keep him out of trouble

SD – m1sterm4n and jordzie look at each other

SD – maiden walks into the outpost

CE – camera fades out to black

Edit – end Episode one, part one. Insert adverts for Nigel Wankshaft here!

Act 2 – Scene 3 – Breakpoint

CE – camera opens up in a darkened map (either edited of SPFX)

SD – the ODST team walk over towards there respective falcons

Maiden – Alex and TJ I want you on the leading falcon, me and Matt will take the right

Duckegg – got it sir

SD – duckegg and andriarno board their falcon

SD – the pilot starts to bring the falcon off the floor and hovers waiting for the others

CE – camera shows the other ODST getting in their falcons and then the pilots taking off.

SD – the other 2 falcons pull off the ground and hover behind the first falcon

SD – the falcons fly down to the bottom of the map and out over the cliff.  

Act 3 – Scene 1 – Forge World

CE – camera opens up on forge world behind the rock island

CE – the 3 falcons fly past the camera away from Skull Mountain

SD – the falcons fly over the ocean towards the end of the valley

CE – camera goes down to the ground showing covenant turrets on the ground

SD – the turrets fire up at the falcons

CE – camera goes back up to the falcon as they are hit by the plasma bolts

Duckegg – what the?!

SD – the falcons begin to fly in a evasive formation

CE – the camera shows the falcon with M1sterm4n and Jordzie getting hit

SD – the falcon gets hit and falls spinning to the ground

CE – camera goes to another falcon

Billy – the other falcon! Take us down

Pilot – but sir… the turrets

Billy – take us down now!

SD – the 2nd falcon with Billy and maiden starts going down following the 1st falcon

SD – the 2nd falcon gets hit and starts falling down towards the ground

CE – camera shows the falcon crash land just off the side of the valley

CE – camera goes to the 3rd falcon turning to face the turret

Pilot 2 – TJ, get that turret spinning

SD – the falcon turns and Duckegg starts shooting at the turrets

SD – the plasma turrets shoot the falcon’s pilot

SD – the falcon suddenly drops down and crashes into the ground near the other falcons.

Act 3 – Scene 2 – forge world

CE – camera opens up with the falcons crashed on the ground (flaming and broken)

SD – maiden and Billy step away from there falcon towards the pilot

Maiden – shit, pilots dead

Billy – where’s the other falcons? We can’t stay here

SD – Billy and maiden walk away from the falcon towards another falcon

CE – camera goes to the 2nd falcon

SD – Duckegg and Andriarno walk away from the falcon towards Billy and maiden

Andriarno – our pilots dead, plasma bolt took his arm clean off, you guys ok?

Billy – yeah, our pilots dead too, did you see where the 3rd falcon went down?

Duckegg – urmm… no

Billy – brilliant…

Maiden – maybe they went down that valley, either way, we can’t stay here.

Andriarno – he’s right, they’ll come looking for the crash site

SD – the ODST team walk over to the edge of the valley wall

CE – camera looks down over the valley to where the 3rd falcon crashed

CE – camera goes down to the crashed falcon in the valley (completely blown up)

CE – camera also shows the dead body of the pilot lying beside the flames

SD – maiden, Duckegg, Andriarno and billy walk over to the destroyed falcon

SD – the ODST troopers look around the crash site

Duckegg – you see them anywhere?

Billy – nope

SD – billy hits the side of the falcon with his fist.

CE – camera goes to maiden

 SD – maiden looks up at the mountain face

CE – camera zooms in and shows m1sterm4n and Jordzie standing beside the cave

CE – camera goes back to the destroyed falcon

Maiden – there up on the mountain face, c’mon

SD – maiden starts running towards the mountain

SD – the other ODST follow maiden up towards the cave

Act 3 – Scene 3 – forge world

CE – camera opens up inside the cave

SD – maiden, m1sterm4n, billy and Duckegg are inside the cave while Andriarno and Jordzie are at the entrance watching for any covenant activity

Maiden – I thought this planet was supposed to be uninhabited

Duckegg – well clearly its not, let’s just report back to the space station and get off this rock

Billy – I second that.

M1sterm4n – well we’ll have to do something about those turrets first

Billy – I second that.

Duckegg – well we’ll need some support to take them down

Billy – I second that.

SD – the other 3 look at billy

M1sterm4n – you don’t have to do that every time you agree

SD – silence

SD – Andriarno steps in through the cave door

Andriarno – I second that

SD – Duckegg and maiden shoot at Andriarno, just missing

SD -- *instantly* Andriarno steps back outside

Maiden – right…

SFX – radio static

Maiden – Admiral, admiral come in this is captain Durden, we’ve been engaged by hostile forces and we need evac.

SFX – static

Maiden – I repeat, we need evac…

SFX – static

Maiden – the radio’s not working

SD – Andriarno steps back inside

Andriarno – that may have something to do with this…

SD – maiden follows Andriarno out the cave

Andriarno – see that Areal?

Maiden – yeah…

Jordzie – well there planted all across the valley, they must be blocking our radio’s

SD – Duckegg, billy and m1sterm4n step out from the cave

M1sterm4n – what’s going on?

SD – maiden, Jordzie and Andriarno turn to the other ODST

Maiden – we’ve found what’s blocking our radio

Duckegg – so what’s the plan?

Maiden – we… don’t know yet.

Billy – brilliant…

SD – silence for a few seconds

Jordzie –urmm, captain… I’ve got a plan

Duckegg – ok new guy, let’s hear it

CE – camera cuts to black

End of episode one