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yet (;

Saturday 6 August 2011

Defiant Episode 11

Halo Reach Machinima – Defiant Team – Episode 11

The camera opens up inside Anchor Nine showing Lord Marek standing over the computer screen

Lord Marek – Sierra 232 and 340, do you have the package?

Omega – oooh cool, what’s this?

SFX – cat meowing

Maiden – leave that alone!

Paz – *over radio* affirmative Colonel, we’re on our way out now

Lord Marek – copy that Sierra, we’ll start our assault when you’re clear of the ship

The camera goes outside the frigate on Long Night of Solace showing the attack on the corvette

Maiden – colonel, we think the corvettes on its way to a super carrier nearby, can you confirm that?

Lord Marek – *pauses* affirmative Sierra 340, we have the situation under control

Paz – colonel, we’re clear,

Lord Marek – copy that sierra, saber teams will escort you back to the Washington, we don’t want any mistakes on the last leg of the trip

Maiden – copy that colonel, what about the super carrier?

Lord Marek – don’t worry sierra 340, we have a very special present for the covenant. 
The camera goes back to Anchor Nine’s control room with Lord Marek.

The camera is positioned behind his head

Ackers – sierra 29, 87, 104 and 117,  you have a green light

The camera glides away from Ackers revealing Master Chief and 3 other Spartans standing in the room as well

Master Chief then walks out the room followed by the 3 others.

(The 4 Spartan’s are all Spartan II’s including 029 = Joshua. 087 = Kelly. 104 = Fredric. 117 = John.)   Also seen in Halo Legends I believe

The camera then goes back to the docking bay showing Maiden and Paz walking down the pelican’s ramp. (Forge item placed in game covered by the back end of a pelican)

Maiden and Paz walk across the room, the camera follows beside them

The 4 other Spartans walk past the camera the other way

Maiden – holy shit, are those Spartan II’s?

Paz – yeah

Maiden – oh my god they’re so awesome

Paz – you do realize I’m a Spartan II as well right?

Maiden – oh really? Oh wow you are awesome

Paz – *sighs*

The camera then goes back down to Powerhouse with Josh and Yuna

The camera shows the sword sticking through Josh’s armor

Andriarno – aaaaahhhhh,

The camera shows the elite, now standing still

SFX – alarm bells ringing,

Announcer – simulation terminated, simulation terminated

The elite (replaced with a hologram for this shot) disappears

Yuna -- what?

The camera show’s Josh and Yuna walking over to their helmets (added in on the floor) then crouch beside them as if to pick them up

The camera then turns and shows a couple of ODST’s walk down into the room

As the ODST’s turn, so that Josh and Yuna would be in their eye line, the 2 main characters come out from the shower room and stand one beside another looking at the ODST’s

Andriarno – what’s going on here?

ODST Gus – congratulations, you’ve passed your final simulation test Sierra 182.

The ODST turns to Yuna

ODST Gus – and Yuna Burress, I’m pleased to give you a promotion to Captain of your own ODST squad

Yuna – what do you mean?

ODST Gus – this was a joint simulation base, you’ve both passed with flying colors, look there’s cameras all around this place, you would of got a A* for noticing them

Andriarno – you, saw, everything…?

Josh looks slightly towards Yuna

ODST Gus – up to the point Captain Burress through the grenade, you’re not meant to have live explosives on the field though

Yuna – ooh, right, sorry

ODST Gus – and sierra, you would probably be looking towards a Commanding position as well

Andriarno – oh, cool, ok

Awkward silence

ODST Gus – anyway, a falcon in en-route to pick you guys up

Yuna & Josh – thank you sir

The 2 ODST’s walk away from Josh and Yuna

Once out the room Josh looks to Yuna, she also looks at him

Yuna – c’mon lets get out of here

Yuna starts walking away and eventually Josh follows her outside

The camera then goes back to highlands showing the falcon come over head

The camera looks downwards and shows duckegg following the falcon as it lands beside the waterfall

Duckegg then begins walking towards the waterfall staircase

The camera goes back to the falcon showing it land and then Yuna and Josh step off the falcon

The pilot also gets out and walks past Lord Marek walking up the stairs

Ackers – ah, Sierra 182 and Yuna, ive heard the good news

Andriarno – thank you sir

Yuna – thank you sir

Ackers – you can dispense with the formalities, you remember James, and you trained together right?

The camera shows James and Chris walking up the stair way

Andriarno – urm… yeah I think so

James stands next to Colonel Ackers and Chris stands on the opposing side

Ackers – and this is sierra 232, Chris

Chris looks at Yuna and Josh and nods.

Ackers – these two just completed a combat mission in deep space, im assigning them to your team Josh

Andriarno – what? My team?

Ackers – affirmative, you’re new designation is Serenity One, the other Spartan will be arriving soon, and Yuna you’ll be a commander with the team Flyleaf

Yuna – right…

Ackers – well, I’ll leave you 3 to get acquainted, Yuna can you come with me please

Yuna starts walking

Andriarno – wait, Yuna can I just –

Ackers – Cpt. Burress I need you to come with my now

Yuna – yes sir,

Josh watches Yuna walk away while Chris and Maiden are talking

The camera turns and shows Duckegg walking up onto the waterfall stage

Duckegg – hey, Josh I need to talk to you

Josh turns with the other 2 Spartans behind him

Duckegg – who the fuck are these guys?

Andriarno – oh right, this is my Spartan team or something,

Maiden – we’re team Serenity, my name is James and this is Chris

The camera looks at paz

Duckegg – ok, well anyway Josh, I need to talk to you, now

Andriarno – ok, urm

Josh turns and looks at the other 2 Spartan’s

Andriarno – ok team Serenity, just, wait here. That’s an order *sounding awkward in announcing a order*

Josh looks at the 2 Spartans and then walks away awkwardly

Josh and Jack walk away from the Spartans and then into the cave tunnel

Duckegg – ive got a warthog ready.

Josh – ready for what?

Jack – escaping, what else?

Josh – oh right, yeah, ok

Jack – well during Capture The Flag, meet me by the cave

Josh – you mean here?

Jack – no, we’re in Blood Gulch tomorrow for CTF

Josh starts walking away

Josh – ok, I’ll meet you there

Jack watches Josh walk away

The camera goes to Yuna and Colonel Ackers in the command building

Ackers – thank you captain Burress that will be all

Yuna nods and starts walking away from Ackers

As Yuna walks away josh walks down the stairs on the opposing side of the room behind her

Josh walks behind Yuna past Colonel Ackers and then starts jogging to catch her up

Josh – Yuna, can you stop?

Yuna carries on walking

Josh – yuna, yuna wait

Yuna stops walking and breathes heavily allowing Josh to catch up with her

Yuna – Josh, I don’t wanna talk ok

Josh – what? Why?

Yuna looks downwards before turning to Josh

Yuna – look, I thought we we’re gunna die ok, I didn’t know it was a test

Josh – what does it matter

Yuna – what does it --? Of course it matters! You can’t do this and neither can I!

Josh – what are you talking about?

Yuna – if im caught interfering with the Spartan project I’ll be sent to prison, if you get caught they’ll probably kill you

Josh – I’d like to see them try

Yuna – Josh! Look until the war is over, we can’t do this now, regardless how we feel about each other

Josh – then you do feel something

Yuna – I won’t give into this, goodbye Josh

She walks away leaving Josh standing on the highlands staircase

The camera pulls away from Josh slowly

The camera then goes to maiden and paz standing on the waterfall   

Maiden – when do you think we can move again?

The camera looks at paz again before cutting to black

The camera then re-opens in the bunker (W/O the broken tunnel downwards showing its still part of the flashback) with Maiden and Paz

The 2 Spartan’s walk through the bulk head door and into the lab where Origin Omega is

The EOD examiners turn and look at the 2 Spartans

Scientist One – Ah Spartans, the relic you procured from the corvette is… interesting

Paz – how so?

Scientist one – its dated back 100,000BC although its technology is beyond anything we have at this time

Paz – does Halsey know of this?

Scientist Two – no one knows apart from the men in this room and you two

Omega – transfer complete, Im now up to date with all of Humanity’s history

Paz – is that really a good idea?

Scientist – why wouldn’t it be?

Paz – well, what happens if the covenant gets a hold of him? He could give them the very location of Earth

Omega turns around on the table and see’s paz and Maiden

Omega – ah Sierra 232, Chris, and Sierra 340, James, how is your Brother

Maiden – what? I don’t have a brother

Scientist – omega don’t

Omega – Sierra 341 Gideon, you both have the same location of origin, New Honolulu, Reach, same last name as well as date of birth, and have a report saying that you should not be in contact with one another, oh wait that’s classified

Scientist – sighing

James looks down at the floor

Maiden – a twin brother, I can’t believe it

James looks back up

Maiden – where is he? I’ve got to meet him

Omega – im sorry, that information is classified

Maiden – wait, wasn’t the fact about my brother Gideon classified too

Omega – ah, yes, ok he’s on Highlands

Scientist – Omega stop

Omega – oh sorry

Maiden just seems dazed as he takes in the news about Gideon

The camera looks at James and then transcends into a shot of Gideon standing on Highlands blue base

Billy – so… what are you gunna do?

The camera turns slightly and shows Josh standing there as well

Andriarno – I don’t know, I mean, we’re out of here within the next week. I’ll probably never see her again

Billy – you know, you get weird around girls, like a stalker

Josh turns to Gideon

Josh – no I don’t

Spartan Matt – yeah, you do

Josh – oh shut up, I’ve gotta go find her again

Josh starts walking away

Billy – like a stalker…

Josh – Fuck you

The camera cuts to black

The camera then opens up with Yuna inside a building (probably have to be off highlands)

Yuna – so we ended up kissing, but it was just cause we were gunna die

Girl on phone – well, I guess you’ll have to deal with it

Yuna – oh thanks, what’s your problem?

Girl on phone – sorry, mum and dad are just getting on my back

Yuna – what about?

Girl on phone – you, and how amazing you are

Yuna – what are you talking about?

Girl on phone – all I hear is “oh why can’t you be more like your sister Lucy” or “Lucy passed her initiation first time, why can’t you”

Yuna – im sure they don’t mean that

Girl on phone – of course they do, you’re the star daughter and I’m… I’m just a failure

Yuna – you’re not, its not like the UNSC has an easy initiation test

Girl on Phone – why are you doing that?

Yuna – what?

Girl on Phone – making excuses for me, What makes you think I need your help, again

Yuna – you’re just over reacting, you’ve always been hard on yourself Lucy

Girl on phone – I’m not over reacting, if our parents started treating you as bad as they treat me you’d feel this way too, and don’t call me Lucy. It makes me seem like a helpless little fucking kid. Call me Lightning

Awkward pause

Lightning – and that boy you’re talking about, that’s just another thing I guess you’ll have other than me

The phone cuts off after Lightning stops talking leaving Yuna in the room

The camera slowly pulls away from Yuna eventually out the room before phasing to black


Ok, so we’ve now had four episodes of flashbacks… that’s only 2 short of the non-flashback stuff… the next one has got to be the last one

Oh and this Lightning character, if you read season 2 episode 1, is going to be an ongoing character but just not in this season… so… who ever does it will have to be called back to do season 2 onwards,

To be fair I had so much stuff I wanted to write about Defiant team during their training a lot of it had to be cut, ideas like;

-The death of Yuna’s parents
-Gideon’s Grifball team winning the league
-James hacking into ONI and finding his brother instead of Origin Omega telling him
-Jack having a slight love interest
-Gideon and Emily’s date – would of gone great by the way

However obviously the story really revolves around Josh, Yuna and Jack so their story lines have priority over most the other stuff. I was gunna foreshadow Jack being injured and receiving the Gunginir helmet in his dream but that seemed a bit to… star wars to handle.

Obviously if we can we can make some cameo appearences of Noble team or something, looking back masterchief would have had the Mk 4 helmet at this time, unavailable in game atm, so that seen could be a deleted scene or rejected completely when we get to it, or maybe just spoken in dialogue that he and the other Spartans had gone to destroy the super carrier.

Blood gulch reference for the win – we love you Rooster Teeth :D