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yet (;

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Defiant Team Episode One Script OPMF

Defiant Team

Episode One

Camera opens up on the spire looking at the crashed warthogs

Billy walks towards the others (duckegg and paz)

Billy – Jacob, Chris you guys ok

Paz – yeah I’m fine, kyle

Duckegg – yeah we’re good, where’s Josh and James?

Paz – they’re holding off a couple of elites,

Radio – UNSC frigate graftan is inbound and mack rounds have been authorized.

Billy – this is all I need.

Billy picks up the Spartan lazer.

Duckegg – we’re deactivating the shield and getting out of here,

Billy, duckegg and paz walk over away from the warthogs

Camera looks at andriarno and maiden shooting at the elites

The other 3 spartans move out and start shooting back

Paz grabs his turret and shoots at the elites

Edit – re shoot the paz turret scene because he didn’t shoot enough at the elites in the take

Camera  follows billy as he walks across charging his lazer

Billy – fire in the hole!

Billy fires his Spartan laser and kills the first elite

Camera goes up in the spire and shows the elite getting lasered

As soon as the first elite gets lazerd the camera zooms across the the 2nd elite

The Spartans converse together

Andriarno – right, james, whats the plan

Radio (carter) – graften is dust, we need to get out of here now!

Maiden – noble one, we won’t get another chance at this we’re taking down Spire two

Radio (carter) ((taken from pillar of autumn during his suicide)) – you’re on your own

AI – Defiant One, logic dictates we should continue on evac with the rest of the UNSC forces

Duckegg – I agree, we should fall back, we’re no match for that super carrier

Maiden – Josh? What do you think?

Andriarno – if we plant come C4 on the supports we should be able to take it down without a mac round.

Billy – well what about the elites

Maiden – me, Josh and Jacob will take the control room, you and Chris take set the C4
Lets  move defiant team

The team splits up, each taking a different entrance.

Camera goes inside the spire as Josh, Jacob and James walk run inside

Andriarno – well?

Duckegg – what?

Andriarno – you should test it, you’re the one with the jet pack right?

Duckegg – fine

Duckegg goes up the spire elevator

Andriarno – right, I’ll sneak around, you guys follow when I give you the signal

Maiden – right, and what will that be?

Edit – maiden turning to where andriarno was standing

Camera turns aswell showing andriarno now gone

Maiden – fucking invisibility

Maiden then walks around the corridor

Andriarno assassinates the first elite, duckegg the second and maiden the 3rd

Maiden – right, get on that computer and drop the shield

Duckegg walks over towards the computer

Duckegg – shit

Andriarno – what?

Duckegg – they’ve encrypted the shield controls, they must of done it after noble team took the first one down

Maiden walks beside duckegg

Maiden – can you beat it?

Duckegg – dunno, its not like hacking a high school inthernet to access porn you know?

Andriarno – well whatever your gunna do, do it fast.

Maiden – I hope Gideon and chris are having more luck.

Camera goes down to where billy and paz are.

Paz and billy run into the base and un the corridor

Billy – one elite

Paz – I got this one

Paz sends a hologram past the elite making him shoot him then assassinates him

Billy – nice, lets get this C4 set and get out of here

Paz – right, you go that way I’ll go this way, meet on the far side

Edit – paz followed billy (wrong)

Lots of shots of elites shooting billy and paz

Billy (over radio) – boss, we’ve got 2 more to go, whys the shield still up

Camera goes up the top of the spire

Camera shows maiden running out the control room chased by an elite

Maiden – aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Duckegg takes pot shots while jet packing

Andriarno assassinates the elite and takes his sword

Andriarno – dibs

Paz (radio) – defiant one, the charges are set we’re making our way to the warthogs

Maiden – we’re on our way, how do we get down from here?

Duckegg – jet pack down

Andriarno – there’s landing vents, we’ve gotta jump

Andriarno jumps followed by duckegg and maiden

Camera goes down to billy and paz as they run towards the warthogs

Action sequence of them running and gunning

Camera shows the ranger elite getting launched across the map by billys laser

Camera goes to andriarno duckegg and maiden as they sneak up on the elites shooting at billy and paz

Camera shows elite 1 getting killed and then andriarno running out to assassinate the 2nd

Maiden tackles the 3rd elite

The 4th elite runs towards paz and billy but andriarno kills him and billy shoots the 5th

Maiden – right lets get the hell out of here

Paz – the shields still up!

Duckegg – I managed to weaken it, we should be able to fly out of it without being emped

Maiden – then when the C4 goes off the spire falls inside itself

Billy – right lets get out of here

Billy gets onto the turret

Andriarno – I’ll drive

The warthogs drives out and splatters a couple off elites and out towards the BFG

The warthogs continue driving towards the river killing more elites

Once over the river andriarno hand brake turns to stop the car beside paz’s

Andriarno then gets out the warthog and walks to duckegg

Andriarno – you’re sure the shield is weakened right

Duckegg – yes, we’ll be able to fly out of it no problem

Andriarno – ok good,

Maiden – falcon alpha, the emp shield is no longer active, proceed with evac.

Pilot (radio) – ok defiant one, 3 falcons inbound to your position

Paz – banshees! Heads up!

Camera shows the banshees shooting and flying around the warthogs

Maiden – Josh! Get on the turret!

Andriarno runs across while invisible and jumps on the turret shooting the banshees

Action shots of the banshees getting killed

Paz – clear

Maiden – clear

Billy – clear

They all get off the warthogs

Duckegg – everyone ok?

Everyone – fine (own versions of the line)

Pilot (radio) – falcons ETA 20 seconds

Camera shows the falcons landing

Everyone gets on the falcons and flys off

Maiden (radio) – Colonel Armstrong spire 2 is down in 3, 2, 1
SFX – huge boom

Camera shows the explosions at each of the spire legs and then it collapsing on itself

Colonel Armstrong – ok defiant one, I need you’re team to split up, defiant 2, 3 and 5 come to highlands, defiant one I’ll send you co-ordinates to where I want you, you’ll be briefed by Captain Ash. Defiant 4 I want you to come to sword base and assist in evacuations

Maiden – yes sir

Camera shows the falcons flying into the distance

Text – to be continued…

End credit music… yu gi oh theme?  

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