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yet (;

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Defiant Team Episode Prologue

Defiant Team – Halo Reach Machinima – Episode Zero

CE – camera opens up on a computer screen displaying the UNSC logo and Emblem (I think they’re the same thing to be honest)

The emblem disappears into the background and a new menu comes up on the screen with tabs labeled

“Spartan Teams Under ONI Directive on Reach”

“Noble Team”
“Defiant Team”
“Omega Team”
“Team Serenity”

The Defiant Team tab flashes with an orange and then the other tabs disappear, the Defiant Team tab comes to the top of the screen and sub tabs come out underneath reading

Defiant One – S182 Josh
Defiant Two – S340 James
Defiant Three – S341 Gideon
Defiant Four – S232 Chris
Defiant Five – S362 Jack

Each of the tabs has a picture of the helmets of each member of defiant team

Cpt. Price – Colonel, are you sure you want this team to take the spire mission

Colonel Ackers – yes captain, the Defiant Team is tend to rogue tendencies’ but they’re more effective than most Spartan teams

Cpt. Price – they’re a bunch of rejects that work, plus there command structures completely ruined , even the twins? I mean they should have been destroyed as soon as they contacted each other, plus Josh’s augmentation was even a partial --

Colonel Ackers *interrupting* – Captain, that’s enough, send them in

SFX – footsteps away from the computer screen

Cpt. Price – Yes sir,

The computer changes back to the first menu with each of the 4 Spartan Teams (noble, defiant, Omega and Serenity)

The tab on defiant team flashes red and a piece of red text reading “deployed”

The camera goes to a shot of the warthogs driving across Tempest

SFX – dramatic music (probably same as tip of the spear)

Dolly camera alongside the warthog showing billy driving the gauss warthog

Billy – hey guys!

Maiden – what?

Billy – I think we might have took a wrong turn

SFX – the music cuts off

Duckegg – what? When?

Duckegg turns on the warthog

Duckegg – urm… josh?

Andriarno – oh for gods sake what?

Andriarno stops the car and so does billy in the other warthog

The camera shows andriarno looking down into the steering wheel

Duckegg – you remember the massive army that was following us into battle?

Andriarno – yeah?

CE – camera cuts to a shot of the start cut scene of tip of the spear showing the whole army driving to the covenant (with the music playing)

CE – the camera goes back to Defiant Team on tempest

Duckegg – well, they’re not behind us anymore

Andriarno – *sigh’s heavily*

Andriarno gets off the warthog and walks to duckegg (on the turret)

Duckegg – hey, hey, hey don’t blame me

Maiden jumps out of the warthog passenger seat and walks over to duckegg and andriarno

Maiden – well where are we now?

Duckegg jumps off the warthog and stands beside maiden and Andriarno looking at the back end of the warthog

Post Production – import a crappy map effect over the back end of the warthog

Maiden – look where here right?

Andriarno – no we past that about 20 minutes ago, we must be back here

Duckegg looks around and then turns back to the map

Duckegg – you idiot, that’s a map of Paris! Look there’s the Eiffel tower

Maiden – god damn it Gideon!

Billy walks over to the back of the turret

Billy – what?

Duckegg – you brought the wrong map

Billy – no I didn’t, I was just preparing

Andriarno – anyway…

Paz gets out the warthog and walks beside maiden looking at the map

Paz – the spire’s here

Duckegg – wait what? That’s a map of Paris

Paz – yeah, but the scales there

CE – camera shows gideons face turning weirdly (I’ll film this on a local game for the lowered gun weird looking head turning)

Billy – huh?

Paz – yeah by using the scale and the position of the sun at the minute, obviously gotta compensate for the gravitational pull on reach and the fact we’re near the solstice and everything but yeah, we’re about 20 miles away from where we need to be

Maiden – ok, which way’s that then?

Paz – south west, about 398° from here

Duckegg – I thought there was only 360 degrees?

Billy – no way its about 17 here, 398? We’d be melting

Andriarno – he means directions Gideon

Billy – oh, right, I’d say left

Maiden – what?

Paz – anyway, let’s get moving

Duckegg – I guess that Spartan II training paid off

The defiant team members get inside there warthogs and drive off again

Maiden – you’re sure we’re going the right way now Chris?

Paz – yes

Maiden – ok good

Paz – wait, is it daylight saving times yet?

Maiden – huh?

Paz – urm…
Paz – we need to turn around, like now

Maiden – what, how long is daylight savings on Reach?

Paz – 32 hours… 3 times a year, all during October

Maiden – oh my god, who designed the time system for Reach?

Billy (shouting from other warthog) – Billy Mays *probably incorrect spelling*

The warthogs turn around and drive over towards the other side of the map

Duckegg – do you guys think we’ll actually fight the covenant on Reach?

Andriarno – probably not till the second episode

Duckegg – huh? Episode?

Andriarno – Skirmish, I mean

The camera shows the warthogs driving away from the camera

Credits role

To Be Continued

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