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yet (;

Monday 13 June 2011

Defiant Team Episode Three Script

Having actually done some work i have finnished the script for episode 3, episode 4 will be finished tonight aswell

Team Defiant Team – Halo Reach Machinima – Episode 3

The Battle of New Alexandria Part One

CE – camera opens on Halo ODST with the drop pods coming down

Note – Dare / Buck will be removed with a video of a heart rate monitor with the name Yuna Burress written above.

Yuna – flyleaf leader, coming into land inside New Alexandria’s city limits. Advice?

SFX – radio silence

Yuna – come in command

SFX – radio silence

The covenant corvette comes into shot through the glass on the pod

Yuna – oh shit

Yuna’s heartbeat increases exponentially

SFX – engine powering up

A flash of white light blinds the screen leaving only the audio

SFX – explosion noise (high pitched ringing) I’m not sure what the actual word for it is but when the Halo ring explodes on RVB season 3, when Lopez and church blow up causing a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge explosion leaving that noise.

SFX – a large banging is heard as the drop pod hits the ground (still on white screen) The drop pod opens and footsteps can be heard.

CE – the camera then cuts to the 2 falcons flying over New Alexandria (right at the beginning)

CE – the falcons land at rally point bravo on New Alexandria

Note – as you will notice while filming this (max) the falcons won’t be able to have Spartans on them as they fly. Avoid looking through the falcons or at the gunners, when the falcons come down to land film from below to make the falcon land on the camera.

Note – for duckegg, his armor ability is available in campaign level either with the rally points or inside hospital

Paz walks out from the civilians and walks up to Andriarno on the turret

Paz – Commander, good to see you again

Andriarno – you to Chris, you ready to get back in the fight?

Paz – affirmative

Paz gets on the falcon gunner seat and acknowledges duckegg and billy

The falcon rises and watches the civilians get on the pelican

Note – there’s a scripted part during this scene where a marine says “city’s been under siege for the last 5 days… blah, blah, blah…” this will need to be removed during editing

Paz – the covenant showed up here about 12 hours ago, ONI wants us to assist in civilian evacuations

Duckegg – what? We’ve already lost?

Billy – I don’t know the meaning of the word lose

Duckegg – I bet that’s not the only word

Paz – they just said they wanted us to get them outa here, pilot get us moving

The falcon starts moving and flies lower allowing billy and Paz to shoot the brutes, grunts and elites

Andriarno – Jack, you managed to get anything from James

Duckegg – I’m still trying, nothing yet though

Andriarno – how long does a space jump even take?

The civilian evac sites come into shot from behind the ridge

Billy – hey, check it out

CE – camera shows the evac ships as the falcons fly past

Duckegg – there’s so many

Andriarno – that’s why they need our cover fire

The falcons come into land with the marines

Jerry (the marine) – Defiant Team, the covenant are deploying in front of us, we need to hold them at this line, we let them past the civilians are doomed

The falcon drops off Defiant Team and they walk into the group of marines

Note – audio dubbed over the marines talking to avoid talk about the anti-air guns

The 4 Spartan’s hold off the covenant for a while with assistance from the Marines

Ad lib some battle phrases do lay over the fight scene

Billy – oh god

Duckegg – what

Duckegg turns to look at what billy is looking at

Note this scene will have to be filmed before the prior scene

The civilian transport begins take off

Colonel Ackers – civilian evac number three, you are not cleared for launch

Pilot – screw this, we’re out if here

The ship begins to accelerate but gets hit by the covenant laser

Pilot – oh god help us!

The ship hits the water

Andriarno and Paz run to the water and look at the crash site

Paz – oh shit…

Command *over radio* – New Alexandria command requesting new evac bird at location 17B

Andriarno – That corvette’s got to go we won’t get anyone out of here with them waiting above us

Paz – you got a plan?

Andriarno looks down at the water and steps into it

Andriarno – maybe

The camera goes to duckegg and billy in the command centre

Duckegg – colonel, I strongly advise that we hold off on evacuations until that corvette is dealt with

Colonel Ackers – affirmative Defiant Five, over and out

Duckegg walks away from the radio back towards Billy

SFX – the radio starts beeping in the room

Duckegg turns and goes back to the radio table

Yuna *over radio* – come in, anyone, this is Flyleaf captain requesting assistance from anyone near Boardwalk

Duckegg *radio* – come in Flyleaf Captain, this is Defiant Five, what’s you’re situation

Yuna *radio* – I landed on the Alexandria Board walk, I was engaged by elites and I’m cornered in

Andriarno and Paz walk into the room

Yuna *radio* – I’m running out of ammo quick, I don’t stand a chance by myself

Andriarno runs up to the radio table barging past duckegg

Andriarno *radio* – Yuna?

Yuna *radio* – Josh, Is that you?

SFX – load booming noise down the radio

Yuna *radio* – oh god, Josh get here quick! Over and out

SFX – radio cuts off

Andriarno – Yuna? Yuna! Come in

Billy turns and walks out the door and looks around

Billy – Yuna, you can come in now,

Andriarno turns around

Duckegg – you know her?

Andriarno – did you get her co-ordinates?

Billy walks back into the room

Billy – she’s not outside

Paz – she’s on the boardwalk, I know where that is

Andriarno – take me there, you’re coming to

Andriarno looks at duckegg and billy

Billy – ok

Duckegg – right,

The Defiant Spartans leave the room in a hurry

CE – camera cuts to black

CE – camera shows a fire ball coming into New Alexandria airspace

The fire ball crashes into a building causing a massive secondary explosion

Maiden – ow, god damn it I hate that part of the job

Maiden steps out from the building and looks around

Maiden – I swear that’s the last time I do that

Maiden drops down out of the building and begins to walk forwards towards the camera

CE – camera goes to the New Alexandrian cut scene showing Noble Six (now maiden) walking down onto boardwalk

CE – when the cut scene shows the first person view of him dropping cut and replace it with maiden dropping down off the bridge in a 3rd person view point

Game mode changes into custom game

Maiden takes a few steps forward and jumps up on the wall looking down the boardwalk

CE – camera looks at a first person zoomed in shot of the map, eventually turning and looking at a group of elites shooting at the building in the corner

CE – camera goes down to the building showing Yuna shooting out the window

The elites continue firing at the window as the door is barricaded

Maiden starts running over to the group of elites and begins firing

The elites turn and start shooting Maiden

Yuna starts shooting as well

Andriarno, Jack and Chris jump over the higher part of the boardwalk

Gideon jumps over at the same time but he jumps over facing the wrong way

Andriarno runs towards the elites and draws his sword killing one of the elites with a stab to the back

The fire fight continues for a few more seconds however 5 elites are no match for 5 Spartans

Yuna walks out the building onto the balcony looking down towards the Spartans

Yuna – thanks guys, I only had one mag left

Gideon – why where you reading magazines during a fight?

Yuna – huh?

Maiden – never mind, I’m James by the way

Yuna drops down off the balcony and stands in front of the Spartans

Yuna – where’s Josh?

Andriarno – I’m…

Billy – *interrupting* he’s over there, but I’m Gideon, the awesome one baby ;)

Yuna – uh huh

Yuna walks over to Andriarno

Billy turns slightly to Maiden

Billy – must be on the blob or something

Yuna – I missed you Josh

(Untested theory but if they both have empty swords and stand close enough to each other does it look like they’re hugging)

Camera looks at Duckegg and Paz who watch the hug and then look at each other and then back at Yuna and Josh

Andriarno – I missed you too

Yuna – I didn’t recognize you in the new armor,

Maiden – I don’t mean to interrupt but, well actually I do, we need to get out of here c’mon

The group moves out and starts walking towards the underground part of Boardwalk

Paz – so who’s the girl?

Duckegg – I dunno

The camera shows Andriarno and Yuna walking together

Billy – me neither but she’s got a fine ass

Andriarno turns, still walking alongside Yuna

Andriarno – next time turn off you’re radio *translated into Al Bhed

Once underground the Spartan’s stand around one another

Maiden – ok, what’s the situation here?

Andriarno – we’re trying to evac civilians, but the corvettes shooting any birds we get into the air

Duckegg – where’s the saber James?

Maiden – it blew up remember? When I was saving Yomary over here

Yuna – my names Yuna

Maiden – ok, whatever

Paz – we could board the corvette and overload the engines

Billy – over the city, are you mad?

Paz – we’ll we’ve gotta do something about it

Duckegg – why not fly it out from the city limits, then crash it into the hillside?

Andriarno – that’s actually not a bad idea

Maiden – yeah but how do we get up there?

Billy – we’ll just take a pelican

Yuna – the corvettes are shooting down anything non-covenant that gets within half a mile of it,

Duckegg – Brilliant

Billy – what about the covenant stuff flying around it

Maiden – they’re friendly, why would… they… shoot them. You guys thinking what I’m thinking?

Billy – yes we are

The team looks at Gideon

Billy – a rodeo! (Or funnier ad lib)

After an awkward silence, duckegg steps forwards

Duckegg – let’s go hijack a phantom

CE – camera cuts to black

CE – camera opens up on the night time version of New Alexandria with Andriarno, Duckegg and Paz on the landing pad (start of mission)

Andriarno *over radio* – Defiant Two, come in

Maiden *over radio* – go ahead Commander

Andriarno *over radio* – the covenant outpost is hidden inside one of the building’s, we’re gunna search via falcon. You, Three and Yuna look on ground level

Maiden *over radio* – roger that

Billy *over radio* – you forgot his name! its Josh

Maiden *over radio* – sighing

Andriarno – Defiant One out

Duckegg and Paz walk up onto the landing pad to where andriarno is standing

Duckegg – commander

Andriarno turns around and acknowledges duckegg and Paz as they get into the falcon

The falcon rises and hovers in place

Colonel Ackers – Come in Defiant One, we’re sending you co-ordinates to the first suspected site

Paz – I know that place

The falcon flies forwards towards the club errera

As the falcon comes into land the camera shows the fuel rod turrets firing at falcon

Duckegg – woah shit

The falcon quickly evades the fuel rod and allows duckegg and Paz to start shooting the turrets

Once the turrets have been destroyed the falcon comes into land

Paz – this place doesn’t look like a refueling station

Duckegg – yeah, tell me about it, commander, these co-ordinates are junk c’mon

Andriarno *over radio* – defiant two, any luck?

Maiden *over radio* – not so much, looks like the covenant has been deploying loads of scout camps over the city

Yuna *over radio* – shh! Patrol coming our way

Maiden *over radio* – ok, radio silence until I contact you boss

The falcon lifts off again and flies off into the distance

The falcon flies above a skyscraper and sees a phantom flying low around the city (driven by player 4 using phantom/pelican Easter egg

Duckegg – hey, check it out

The falcon turns and see’s the phantom

Paz – engaging target

Andriarno – wait, lets see where its heading, it might be refueling

Andriarno *over radio* – defiant two, we have eyes on a phantom, looks like its going to refuel we’re gunna tail it

SFX – silence

Andriarno *radio* – James… Yuna… Gideon?

SFX – radio silence

Duckegg – shit

The falcon continues to follow the Phantom

Andriarno – *radio* yuna can you hear me?

SFX – radio noise

Background static fills the silent audio

Arbiter – Blarg! Back down! These prisoners will be taken and interrogated

Elite 2 – we should kill the demons!

Arbiter – they have information we need, kill them later

Elite Pilot – refueling station coming up Arbiter,

Arbiter – good

SFX – radio cuts off again

Andriarno – tell me you can track the co-ordinates Jack

Duckegg – I don’t have to sir, look

The camera shows the falcon land on top of the hospital

Paz – I guess we’ve found the refueling station

Duckegg – well no shit

Andriarno – this isn’t a demo mission, it’s a rescue mission

Note – duckegg will be hidden by the camera angle for the next shot

The falcon begins to descend out of shot showing 2 banshees (driven by player 4 and duckegg) which clearly see the falcon and then fly off in different directions. The one on the right goes to the right and the left one goes to the left

End of Episode Three

Whoop Whoop time to start shipping

Yuna and Josh = Juna

Yuna and Gideon = Gidena

Jack and Yuna = Jana

James and Yuna = yumes

Yuna and Chris = chruna

Or the wild card

Gideon and Jack = gidack

Bet you can’t guess which ones the real one ^-6

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