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Monday 27 June 2011

Defiant Team -- Episode 10 -- Finale

September 3rd 2552

Defiant Team – Halo Reach Machinima – Episode 10

Camera opens up on Condemned with the Spartans, Yuna and Colonel Ackers standing around the hologram of the ship

Yuna is standing behind Josh, Colonel Ackers and a few other Spartans are facing Josh with the rest of Defiant Team standing to the left

A dolly camera pans across Josh’s mark IV helmet showing Yuna behind him

Colonel Ackers – you forget your place Josh

Andriarno – its right here, between you and her

Colonel Ackers – you will obey me, or this defiant breath will be your last

Andriarno draws his energy sword

Andriarno – think again,

Colonel Ackers looks at the rest of Defiant Team standing together

Colonel Ackers – Defiant Team, take in sierra 182

The members of Defiant Team look at each other

Duckegg steps away from the group and faces andriarno

Andriarno – Jack, what the hell are you doing?

Duckegg draws his gravity hammer

Andriarno – Yuna run

Yuna runs away from the battle while Josh and Jack fight (Hammer VS Sword)

The other Spartans (non defiant) start running after Yuna but Josh manages to get away from Jack to kill some of them

The camera goes to colonel Ackers who turns and faces the other Spartans (non defiant)

Ackers – don’t let them move!

The other Spartans turn and face defiant making sure they don’t get away

Colonel Ackers then goes to one of the computers

Jarvis – sir, the covenant are within minutes of breaching the doors

Ackers – Jarvis prepare escape pods and set a self destruction sequence

Jarvis – affirmative

The camera goes back to josh and jack fighting

Duckegg – bet you wish you’re girlfriend would come help you now

Andriarno – you’re the one who needs help

Andriarno hits duckegg with his sword (clean hit), after being hit Duckegg jet packs up to a higher location

Duckegg – C’mon Josh

Andriarno jumps up a few stairs and up to the layer that duckegg is on

The camera then goes to Yuna who is being chased by the Spartans, she runs round the corner and hides behind a concrete pillar letting the other Spartans run past

She stays there for a few seconds and then starts running back to help josh

The camera goes back to defiant 2 and 3 still being watched by the 2 other Spartans

(Remember defiant, 2 and 3 are unarmed)

Maiden – Gideon, we’ve got to do something

Billy – what can we do?

Spartan 2 – shut up you two

The 2 Spartans step closer to maiden and billy

Maiden – fuck!

The camera goes back to duckegg and andriarno who are fighting still, now on the upper layer

The pair start circling each other

Andriarno – Jack why are you doing this

Duckegg – because we’re loyal to the UNSC, ever since she arrived you’ve got Chris killed and managed to loose ONI excavation data

Duckegg hits his hammer towards andriarno

Andriarno – I told you, that wasn’t my fault!

Duckegg – enough!

Duckegg goes to hit andriarno with his hammer but Andriarno jumps away and turns invisible

Duckegg looks around the room

Duckegg – predictable, you always did do everything to avoid a fight

Duckegg walks around the room slowly looking for the shimmer of Andriarno’s armor

The camera goes to colonel Ackers running towards the broken Saber

Ackers – Jarvis is this saber operational?

Jarvis – affirmative, the damage is mainly cosmetic

Ackers – ok, prepare it for launch

Jarvis – yes sir

SFX – alarm ringing and hydraulic hissing

The camera goes back to Andriarno and Duckegg

The camera pans sideways past the invisible Andriarno and down to duckegg

Andriarno drops down

SFX – Andriarno’s feet bang on the floor

Duckegg spins around and goes to hit andriarno

Duckegg runs at andriarno who manages to evade sideways but hit duckegg with his sword

Duckegg (dies in game) gets hit to the ground

The camera changes so that duckegg can crouch upwards into the shot

Duckegg uses RB to swing his hammer before running to andriarno

Duckegg forces andriarno backwards (both hitting RB with invincibility on)

Andriarno manages to jump on top of one of the computer screens behind him, then jumps over duckegg and turns to attack him with his sword

Duckegg moves backwards against the wall

Duckegg then jetpacks and uses his hammer

At the same time andriarno lunges with his sword

Duckegg lands behind andriarno

The pair stand back to back (roughly a few feet apart)

The camera cycles through a few shots and then shows duckegg’s gravity hammer breaking in two

Duckegg runs across the room and picks up a magnum from the table, he turns and starts shooting at andriarno who takes cover from the bullets

The camera turns and shows Yuna running into the room and see’s Josh being shot at by Duckegg

Yuna – Josh!

Duckegg and Andriarno turn and face Yuna

Andriarno – don’t you –

Duckegg starts firing at Yuna who manages to evade to cover

Andriarno runs towards duckegg and starts swinging his sword

Duckegg starts shooting but missing

Andriarno slices through duckegg’s magnum making it fall to the ground with the barrel falling off

Duckegg (now unarmed) crouches in front of Andriarno

Andriarno – I should kill you right now Jack,

He raises his sword

The camera cuts away colonel Ackers in the main control room

Jarvis – now initiating launch systems, please take your seats

Ackers starts walking away from the control room

SFX – explosion

The camera turns around and shows a bunch of elites running into the room

Ackers – oh god

The camera looks at the room (not showing Ackers inside) as the elites walk in

SFX – magnum firing

SFX – energy sword swiping

Ackers – Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The camera cuts back to Billy and Maiden

Jarvis (over intercom) – attention, Elites are within your vicinity, please confirm

Spartan 2 – what?

A needle rifle round fires into the Spartans visor killing him (insta kill)

Maiden – oh shit, Gideon run!

Spartan 1 – hey! Get back here!

The Spartan starts firing at the twins but gets assassinated by an elite

While the Spartan is getting assassinated billy and maiden run to the table and get their weapons back

A short firefight against the remaining elites follows

Billy – now what?

Maiden – find Josh and Yuna, get the hell out of here

The camera goes back to Duckegg and Andriarno

Yuna steps beside Andriarno

Yuna – Josh, don’t

Duckegg – c’mon Josh, kill me, just like you did to Chris

The camera looks at Josh

Yuna – Josh…

Maiden and Billy run into the room, stop and stare at what they see in front of them

The camera goes back to Josh, Yuna and Jack

Yuna – Josh, I’m pregnant, don’t do this

Andriarno turns slightly so that he see’s Yuna out the corner of his eye

Andriarno – what

Yuna – you’re gunna be a dad Josh, don’t start it by killing your best friend

Andriarno looks at Duckegg and then back at Yuna for a few times and then looks downwards

Andriarno – *breathes deeply*

Andriarno turns and walks away from duckegg

Duckegg – you coward! You two are both traiters to the UNSC, they’ll hunt you down and kill you

Duckegg turns to Gideon and James

Duckegg – well, arrest them! Shoot them, do something!

Billy and Maiden walk into the room

Maiden – Josh, we need to get out of here

Duckegg – What, you’re siding with them over Humanity

Maiden – no Jack, I’m doing what’s right

Maiden – yeah, urm, I don’t think the aliens are gunna be gone for long, we should get out of here now

Billy – what about Jack?

Yuna – we can’t just leave him here to be killed

Maiden – put him in an escape pod,

Andriarno – you know you guys will be stuck with me and Yuna from now on right

Maiden – Defiant till the end, right?

Billy – you coming too Jack?

The camera looks at duckegg

Maiden – I doubt it, we’ll have to put him in cryo and send him to Earth, that’s the last UNSC base, no doubt the covenant will be heading there next

Yuna – if the UNSC wins the war, but either way they’ll be looking for us

Andriarno – lets get to the escape pods

The Spartans start walking away from the battle scene

Duckegg turns and see’s a magnum on the floor underneath the table

The other Spartans start walking away from duckegg, duckegg then moves across the room and picks up the magnum

The camera looks at Andriarno who looks behind himself slightly seeing duckegg

*prepare for the most difficult thing in the entire history of OPMF*

Andriarno throws his sword across the room which then sticks inside duckegg’s helmet

(the idea for this recording I had was to film the camera going from Andriarno to Duckegg at high speed, then over lay a stationary sword that would technically stay the same place on the screen but look like it was moving due to the background)

(the shot of the sword inside the helmet could just be photo shopped from a few angles with a sound effect of a sword elongated so it seems to be inside his helmet)


Duckegg’s dead body then falls to the floor with the sword landing beside him

(duckegg would be holding the sword and then shot in the head, the camera would be positioned low enough to hide the sniper bullet and duckegg’s scream would cover the rifle round)

The rest of the Spartans and Yuna turn around and see what Andriarno has just done

Andriarno then walks away slowly, then followed by the others

The camera fades to black

Maiden – Jarvis, remote pilot a pelican to the nearest exit please

Jarvis – Affirmative Defiant Two, piloting now, ETA 7 minutes

The camera then re-opens up on condemmed with Josh looking out into space

Yuna comes into frame and stands beside him

Yuna – what you thinking about?

Andriarno turns and looks at her before turning back into space

Andriarno – just, where we can go, that will be safe

Josh looks back at Yuna

Andriarno – to raise our child

Yuna – huh, well it’s a huge universe, there’s bound to be somewhere safe

Yuna looks out into space and so does Josh again

The camera turns and shows maiden and Billy standing in the door way

Maiden – hey guys, the pelicans ready

Andriarno and Yuna turn to maiden and billy

Andriarno – ok, we’ll be right there

Andriarno and Yuna walk towards Billy and Maiden who turn and start walking with them

They walk past the “dead” body of Duckegg on the way to the exit station of the spaceship

The camera stays on duckegg (in the background you hear the pelican taking off and alarms and what not)

Andriarno – it didn’t take long for Reach to fall, our enemy was ruthless, efficient but that didn’t matter anymore. ONI once told us that we belonged to them, well we know that’s not true anymore, I guess we don’t belong to anyone now.

Shadows of some EOD troopers come over duckegg’s body (not sexually)

EOD 1 – we’ve found one sir,

EOD 2 – good, is he still alive?

The EOD 1 crouches beside the body

EOD 1 – affirmative, although his armors locked up, he’s hurt

EOD 1 stands up again

EOD 1 – bad

EOD 2 – well get a medivac back here now,

EOD 1 – yes sir

The shadows disappear from his body apart from two

Sgt. Unknown – I think we have a volunteer for the Gunginir MK 2 program

EOD 2 – yes sir

The camera fades again to black

Andriarno – if I could do it again, would I do it differently? Probably not, I mean, there’s no point looking back and fixating on the past. I guess we’ve just got to look forwards to the future,

Billy – look forwards to the future? That the only way to look at the future!

Andriarno – Gideon, shut up, im trying to leave the message for the ships log

Billy – I wanna leave one! Urm… hi you’ve reached Gideon, Yuna, Josh and James we can’t get to the phone right now

Maiden – it’s not a voice mail Gideon

Andriarno – urgh, I give up

SFX – footsteps away

Billy – I think I understand now

Maiden – urm ok…

Billy – hi and welcome back to GFM *singing* Gideon FM non-stop-rock!

Maiden – it’s not a radio either, it’s a log Gideon, a log

Billy – oh, ok, so I should say something super intelligent then?

Maiden – I’m scared to say yes

Billy – the meaning of life is…

Credits + Music

After the credits a heading comes up (legendary ending)

The camera opens up with duckegg on a table with a EOD trooper coving his helmet area

SGT – what’s the situation?

EOD 2 – there might have been some brain damage to his memory glands

SGT – ok, turn off the Tranquilizers

SFX – computer beeping

The camera changes so that duckegg can stand up into the shot

SGT – Jack, can you hear me

Duckegg – yes

SGT – good, what do you remember

The camera cuts to black

Duckegg – gnihtyreve  ß backwards this spells “everything”

Lets see how many people actually get that xD
almans concept art for character comic thingys

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