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yet (;

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Episode 4 Defiant Team

Defiant Team – Halo Reach Machinima – Episode Four
Battle of New Alexandria Part Two

CE – camera opens up on the landing pad as the falcon comes into land

Andriarno jumps out the cock pit and runs over towards the entrance door

Duckegg – Josh, wait! Running in there is gunna get them killed and us

Andriarno stops and turns facing duckegg and Paz who get off their respective turrets

Andriarno – you got a plan?

Paz – the refueling stations on the roof, obviously they’d put troops in the building, you go in there guns blazing you’ll have a whole corvette on you

Andriarno – hmm

Duckegg and Paz stand beside andriarno at the door

Duckegg – we’ll have to fight our way up at least 30 floors, either way its gunna be tough

Paz – better than flying between 30 anti air turrets

SFX – radio static fills in again

Arbiter – blarg! Take them to the holding cell, I’ll deal with them later

Yuna – ow!

Andriarno – that does it

Andriarno rushes into the hospital

Note *after filming the running into the hospital we’ll need to cut and go to the bottom of the hospital to where the jammer is so we can film fighting up the hospital*

Paz – oh fuck

The 3 Spartan’s run in and are greeted by the elite rangers

Andriarno keeps running forwards while shooting the rangers followed by duckegg and Paz

Note *although this will be on easy lets not die, it’s hard enough filming campaign as it is*

Andriarno runs into the main spiral stair case and gets boxed in by the enemies

Andriarno – we don’t have time for this

Duckegg and Paz run into the room and start shooting

Duckegg – that’s why we we’re meant to make a plan!

Andriarno – shut up (translated into Al Bhed)

The Spartans continue fighting up the spiral stair case until they reach the doorway

Note *if we film the inside part first we can film with all appropriate armor abilities. Duckegg – jetpack andriarno – active camo and Paz – hologram. All of which are available inside the hospital

The Spartans stack up on the wall without opening the door *if possible in take*

Duckegg – ok what’s the plan?

Andriarno – save Yuna, kill the rest

Paz – and Gideon and Jack right

Andriarno – oh right, yeah

CE – camera shows duckegg looking at andriarno awkwardly

Andriarno – ok let’s go

The Spartans walk out the doorway (into the camera)

*cut, the next scene takes place on the roof of the hospital*

The Spartans come out and look around the roof

Duckegg – there’s nothing here

Andriarno – shit, they must of known we where coming

Duckegg – I wonder why?

Andriarno looks at duckegg and slowly walks over to him

Paz – hey guys, look!

The camera swings around from andriarno and duckegg and shows the phantom landed on the other side of the building

Duckegg and Andriarno turn and walk over to the phantom

Duckegg wanders around the phantom

Duckegg – we’re too late, there’s nothing here

Paz – I don’t think so, why would they just leave it here?

Duckegg – well we came up the only hospital entrance, they must have taken them up to the corvette

Andriarno walks towards the edge of the building, and in stepping close to the edge kicks some stones off the side

The stones hover in the air (photo shop or Vegas effects should easily cover this surely)

Andriarno – what the

Andriarno crouches down and looks at the stones levitating

Andriarno – guys? Come look at this

Paz and Duckegg walk over to the levitating stones

Duckegg – ok, how the hell are you doing that?

Andriarno – I’m not sure

Paz – it’s a cloak

Duckegg – huh?

Paz – right there, there’s a corvette. It’s invisible

Andriarno – ok guys, we’ve came this far

Andriarno stands up and takes a few steps backwards before jumping out off the building and then disappearing into the invisible ship.

Just overlay a video of empty sky or building under wear the ship supposedly would be, that way andriarno will disappear under the video of open space giving the illusion that he has gone into the ship. (:

Duckegg and Paz follow into the ship both disappearing under the over layed video

*game change to custom game on zealot*

Andriarno, duckegg and Paz drop down into the control room

The 3 Spartans look around the room

Duckegg – clear?

Paz – clear

Duckegg steps forwards and looks at one of the computer terminals

Duckegg – I think I’ve found them

Andriarno steps beside duckegg

Andriarno – where?

Duckegg – urm... they’ll be coming this way about…

The camera looks along the platform as 3 elites walk around the corner (note 1 of these elites is the unique pre-order armor)

Elite – blarg!

The elites start firing

Duckegg – oh shit!

The 3 Spartan’s move out of the firing range taking cover and returning fire

One of the elites runs forwards and tries to hit the button on the computer

Andriarno pulls out his sword and kills the elite before turning invisible

The other 2 Spartans keep firing at the elites while andriarno runs around behind the elites, Paz shoots one of the elites in the hear killing him

Andriarno comes out of invisibility behind the elite (wearing pre-order armor)

Andriarno – don’t move

The elite stops firing allowing jack and Chris to come out of there cover both slowly walking at the elite

Andriarno – where are you keeping the prisoners?

Elite – Blarg!

Andriarno hits the elite, making it crouch down

Elite – kill me, I won’t talk

Andriarno pulls out his sword and assassinates the elite

Duckegg – brilliant, what’s the plan now?

Andriarno – you get on one of those terminals, try and find them. Me and Chris will keep you covered

Duckegg – ok,

Duckegg walks over to the computer and looks for the prisoners

Duckegg – found them, they’re in the hold!

Andriarno – where’s that?

Duckegg – right below our feet

Duckegg, Paz and andriarno drop down and see Yuna, James and Gideon who are blocked in by a one way shield

Andriarno – Guys!

Yuna, Gideon and James turn around and see andriarno, yuna steps forwards to the edge of the shield door

Gideon – Josh look out!

Andriarno – huh?

The 3 outside Spartans turn and see a elite field marshal, wielding a gravity hammer run towards andriarno

SFX – RVB soundtrack – Boss Battle (even if its just for us 5 to watch with aka copyright)

The elite hits andriarno in the chest sending him flying

Andriarno – arrrrghhh!

Yuna – Josh!

Gideon, James – Josh!

Duckegg and Paz start shooting the elite, but his shield is to strong

The camera looks at andriarno lying on the ground

SFX – shortness of breath

James and Gideon start looking for a way out urgently

Yuna – c’mon, we’ve got to help him

Duckegg jet packs above the elite narrowly avoiding the gravity blast

Paz sends a hologram at the elite as it runs towards him, but the hologram doesn’t fall him as he keeps running towards him

paz uses his hologram seizer attack and runs towards the elite while shooting him with his assault rifle, once close enough paz punches the elite knocking out his shield

Elite – Blarg!

Duckegg continues shooting from his jet pack position, eventually coming into rest beside Andriarno’s body

Duckegg – boss?

Andriarno – I’m ok, get them out of there quick

The elite hits paz’s hologram, realizing he hit the hologram he quickly turns and sees paz using his seizer hologram attack and then punching him again

Duckegg stands in front of the prison cell and starts shooting the elite

The elite turns around and see’s duckegg

The elite starts sprinting towards him wielding his hammer

Duckegg jet packs out the way in time for the elite to gravity blast the fusion coils that where powering the shield door, causing a huge explosion, completely destroying the elite’s shield system, also turning off the one way shield

Gideon, Yuna and Jack run out the cell and start fighting the elite, killing it in a barrage of bullets and a rocket launcher strike,

Duckegg walks over to the elites dead body and shoots him in the head yet again

Duckegg – stay

Duckegg picks up the gravity hammer, dropping his assault rifle

The camera goes to Josh and Yuna now lying on his back flat

Yuna – you’ll be ok josh, just try not to move

Billy – how is he?

Yuna – his chest plate is pushing into his rib cadge, he’s finding it hard to breathe right now.

Duckegg and Maiden walk over and join the 2

Yuna – he’ll need a medivac from here,

Josh – I’m fine

Yuna – no, you’re not

Maiden – this is defiant two, requesting medivac for a priority one soldier at the Alexandria hospital

Medivac control – affirmative Defiant Two, a pelican will be with you shortly

Maiden – affirmative, control

Duckegg – we’ve gotta get him out if here now, next time we won’t be so lucky

Paz – plus we’ve gotta secure that phantom

Yuna – ok, but be carful, one bad twist and he’ll puncture his lung

Josh – brilliant *translated into Al Bhed*

CE – camera goes back to Night Alexandria mission on top of the hospital roof.

A pelican comes into shot above Yuna, Duckegg and Andriarno (crouched over)

The camera changes angle so to hide the crappy entrance animation

Duckegg – we’re aboard

Pilot – ok

The pelican pulls away from the hospital and flies away from the hospital

The phantom follows the pelican

Maiden – I hate flying these things

Billy – I’ll do it

Paz and James – no!

CE – camera cuts to black

CE – the camera re opens with a shot inside of the medic centre with a dolley cam across the window pane

Inside the medical centre Josh is lying on the table with EOD troopers surrounding him

Medic 1 – sir, if you do that it could release his lung pressure

Medic 2 – I know what I’m doing, this guys a Spartan, and they’re pretty tough

SFX – sawing into the armor and hissing noise

Medic 1 – there’s the end of the armor, lets begin the decompressing cycle

SFX – air being compressed into the armor

Outside the medical bay the camera pulls backwards showing Yuna and Duckegg

Yuna – you think he’ll be ok?

Duckegg – he’ll be fine, he’s been through worse

The camera looks at Yuna’s visor

Yuna *sighing* brilliant

Duckegg walks away leaving yuna looking through the window

She takes a few steps forward until she’s right in front of the window

The camera then goes inside the waiting room at the medic centre

Duckegg walks into the room where Billy, Maiden and Paz are

Maiden – hey, how is he?

Duckegg – his chest plate crushed his rib cage into his lungs,

Billy – ouch

Duckegg – yeah, say what do you make of that Yuna girl?

Maiden – what about her?

Duckegg – I dunno, something just don’t feel right about her

CE – camera goes into the corridor as Yuna goes to walk into the room

Duckegg – like when we met her, I mean her and Josh?

Paz – I doubt it, the augmentation process is supposed to remove those sought of thoughts

The camera goes back inside the room looking at the doorway Yuna was standing at

Maiden – besides you know the punishment for civilian interference with the Spartan project

Duckegg – yeah, but why the hug? Tells me things aren’t so simple between the two

The camera looks at Yuna

Billy – Josh is the leader, I’m sure he knows what he’s doing

The camera goes back into the room

Duckegg – yeah, well I’m not gunna be saving Lynda Love Lace every time she gets into trouble

Billy – that’s sweet Jack *sarcastic*

The camera goes back outside and shows Yuna walking back away from the door

Yuna looks at the ground for a while and then looks up and see’s Josh walking back over the bridge way

*Josh will from now on be wearing the Shotgun chest plate as opposed to the commando chest plate as well as the  Mark V shoulders*

Yuna – Josh

Andriarno – Yuna

Josh speeds up and runs towards her as does she

Yuna stops just beside the big crate that blocks the doorway as josh reaches her she leads into the elevator room

Andriarno – what we doing in here?

Yuna – they know

Andriarno – what?

Yuna – they know about us, I could go to jail for this! What are we gunna do?

Andriarno – wait, who knows?

Yuna – who’d you think? You’re team members do

Andriarno – well I’ll tell them to back off

Andriarno turns to leave the room

Yuna – no, no, no that won’t work,

Andriarno stops leaving and turns around again

Yuna – I should leave

Andriarno – what?

Yuna – it’s too big of a risk for us to be together

Andriarno – it’s too big of a risk for us to be apart

The pair look blackly around trying to figure out what they should do

Andriarno – we could keep it a secret

Yuna looks up at him

Yuna – what? I couldn’t live like that, could you Josh? Could you live like that? It would destroy us

Andriarno – you’re right,

Andriarno walks out the room leaving Yuna behind

Yuna – Josh?

The camera goes outside the room as Josh walks away

Yuna walks out the room and watches Josh walk away

Yuna – Josh?

Andriarno walks out of the camera shot and down the corridor.

The camera then goes back to Yuna

She turns away from the camera and activates her radio

Yuna – this is Flyleaf captain Yuna Burress, requesting evac from New Alexandria Military Hospital

Radio Guy – Rodger that Flyleaf captain, we’ll have a pelican with you within an hour

Yuna – affirmative, awaiting for bird, out

Yuna walks away from the camera and out of frame

Credits role

Legal crap

And omelets for everyone when this episode is released, on account of the romance dribble at the end


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