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yet (;

Friday 3 June 2011

Defiant Team – Halo Reach Machinima – Episode Two

Minimum Safe Distance

Camera opens up on Long Night of Solace with maiden coming out of the launch facility

Spartan Dante begins shooting the covenant and maiden joins in

Maiden – where are they?

Dante – they should be here any minute!
Dante uses his drop shield armor ability

Maiden – not a second to soon.

Maiden and Dante continue fighting the covenant as Noble Team advance up the beach

Dante – Spirit dropping troops to flank us, follow me James!

Dante turns around and runs through the launch facility along with Noble Team, maiden follows

Camera shows Dante firing out of the hole in the wall with maiden and the marines

Maiden – we’ve got to do something about that wraith

Dante jumps out the gap in the wall and begins fighting the wraith. Maiden follows

Once the wraith had been destroyed another spirit will drop off more troops

Maiden – how long before the sabers launch?

SFX – rumbling

AE – camera shakes a little

Camera cuts to the cut scene showing the saber’s launching

Dante – gods speed noble, gods speed

Maiden – Dante lets go

Maiden runs back to the launch facility into the control room where Jorge, Kat and Carter are standing looking at the window

Dante – James here look, the rest of Defiant are here,

Maiden – that’s Josh, Jack and Gideon, where’s Chris?

Dante – I don’t know, someone must of disabled his tracking chip.

Maiden – brilliant…

Maiden walks away from the table

Dante – James, do you want your brother’s location?

Maiden – huh? What?|

Dante – Gideon, your twin brother, I’ve got the co-ordinates here.

 Maiden – oh right yeah please

The camera zooms into the table and then fades into an aerial shot above the falcon on forge world

The falcon flies towards the ridge above the cave.

Camera shows andriarno in invisibility waiting on the ridge, As the 2 falcons come into land.

Andriarno – bout time,

Billy gets off the falcons turret and walks to Andriarno

Billy – yeah yeah whatever, at least “you’re” leading this mission, supprised you didn’t ask Jack

Duckegg walks around from the falcon before it flys off again.

Duckegg – yeah well we all know why you wouldn’t leave Gideon in charge

Billy looks at Duckegg sternly

Andriarno – anyway, the covenant have established a base at the end of this canyon, we need to infiltrate the base and set down the STPL.

Billy – STPL? What does the S stand for?

Andriarno – Space

Billy – the T?

Andriarno – To

Billy – the

Andriarno *interrupting* -- planet laser, space to planet laser, the Washington is waiting to fly over whipping out the covenant base

Duckegg – it’s reverse engineered from the covenant’s battle cruisers, basically we’e gunna glass the bastards like they glass us.

Billy – cool, let’s get to work then.

Andriarno – command left us some mongoose up on the ridge, it’s a short drive up there.

Billy, duckegg and Andriarno drive the mongooses down the hill, stopping at the edge of the cliff face.

Duckegg – great, a dead end.

Andriarno – right, everyone off the mongooses, that ridge is perfect.

Andriarno slides down the ridge followed by Billy and Duckegg45

Duckegg – how long till the convoy comes through?

Andriarno – any minute now c’mon

Andriarno, duckegg and billy sit on the ridge.

Billy – it’s a good thing I’m wearing yellow armor

Duckegg – yeah, *chuckles* wait… why?

Billy – camouflage

Duckegg stares at Billy

Duckegg – you stick out like a sore thumb, how are you camouflaged?

Duckegg looks at andriarno

Duckegg – josh’s armor would be camouflaged

Billy – yeah, but they’ll be looking for camouflaged Spartans

Duckegg – no, look, Gideon

Andriarno – shut up, look

The camera turns and see’s the wraith and revenants enter the rock field.

Andriarno – Gideon, you take the revenant out with you’re laser

Billy – got it

Billy switches to the Spartan laser

Andriarno – remember we need the wraith intact; I’ll take the wraith with my sword

Duckegg – what about me?

Andriarno – I dunno, distract them

Duckegg – ok, what are you gunna do?

Andriarno – just watch,

Andriarno turns invisible

Duckegg – how can I watch you, you just turned invisible

Billy – Attack

Andriarno attacks the revenant followed by Billy’s laser

Andriarno drops down and pulls out his sword

Camera follows andriarno as he runs towards the wraith

Billy destroys the revenant while andriarno jumps on the wraith and kills the elite inside.

Duckegg and billy drop off the cliff face and run to Andriarno

 Andriarno – Gideon, you get in this wraith, drive into the base and deploy the STPL beacon

Billy – ok

Billy gets in the wraith and immediately crashes into a rock

Andriarno – woah, woah, woah, woah.

Andriarno jumps on the wraith

Billy – what?

Duckegg – dude you hit the rock, the covie’s wont buy a damaged wraith driving into base

Billy – oh, right, lemme try again.

Andriarno – I don’t think so, I’ll deploy the beacon.

Billy gets out of the wraith

Andriarno – here, take the sniper rifle Jack,

Andriarno gets into the wraith and drives it out from the rock field

Andriarno – you guys hide in that cave up their, if something goes wrong… come rescue me

Billy – got it,

Duckegg – wait; rescue you, from an entire covenant super carrier battalion?

Andriarno – yep

Duckegg – brilliant…

Duckegg and Billy go and sit on the ridge watching andriarno drive the wraith

Billy starts charging his laser

Duckegg – hey what are you doing?

Billy – there’s a wraith there

Duckegg – that’s Josh’s wraith

Billy stops charging his laser

Billy – oh, right, whoops

Duckegg – *sighing*

Camera goes down to the wraith entering the covenant base

Duckegg *over radio* -- Josh, you’re about 200 meters from where we need the STPL

Josh *over radio* -- got it,

The wraith stops inside the covenant base below the building marked with a blue light.

Josh *over radio* -- ok I’m on the way out now

Andriarno jumps out the wraith and turns invisible and starts sneaking out the base

The camera changes to duckegg’s POV through the sniper rifle watching Andriarno’s invisibility

Duckegg *radio* – Josh, there’s a elite squad walking towards you

The invisible shimmer keeps walking towards the elites

Duckegg *radio* – Josh!

Camera shows the elites walk right into the shimmer

Andriarno – hey guys

Andriarno steps up behind Duckegg and Billy

Duckegg – wait, if you’re here, then what’s that?

Camera goes down to the elites walking through the shimmer

Elite 2 – *coughs* Blarg!

Elite 1 – blarg*

Elite 2 – blarg flies

Elite 1 – we should glass this planet and the flies

The 3 elites look at the 1st elite

Elite 1 – I mean blarg blarg blargity blarg

The elites keep walking onwards

Camera goes back to andriarno, billy and duckegg

Duckegg – ok lets get out of here

Andriarno, duckegg and billy start walking away from the cliff face.

Once out the other side

Andriarno – Washington, this is Defiant One, you’re clear to engage on the Beacon.

Washington Control – affirmative Defiant One engad—

SFX – explosion over radio

Andriarno – Washington, come in

Washington Control – it’s the covenant, they must have followed the radio arrrgghhhh

SFX – small arms fire

Elite General – cleanse this heresy, leave none alive

SFX – radio silence

Duckegg – shit

Andriarno – Jarvis, what happened

AI – the Washington has been compromised, covenant troops are filtering out the remaining crew including ODST squadron, codenamed flyleaf.

Andriarno – Flyleaf?

Duckegg – c’mon we’ve gotta get away from the base

Duckegg starts running slowly away back to the falcon drop off site

Duckegg turns and looks back at billy and andriarno

Duckegg – c’mon, we’ve gotta go

Andriarno – right,

Andriarno and billy follow duckegg back to the falcon drop off point

Billy – what’s next boss?

Andriarno – I dunno, Jarvis what’s the crew count on the Washington?

Jarvis (AI) – 3,122 deceased, 511 still alive. Sierra 340 is providing cover fire from a saber fighter

Billy – that’s James’ tag

Jarvis – affirmative

Billy – what was he doing in a saber?

Jarvis – Sierra 340’s saber has just been destroyed

Duckegg – what? You mean he’s dead?

Jarvis – negative, Sierra 340 is now aboard the Washington, the civilian evac pods and ODST pods are set to land around New Alexandria

Andriarno – then that’s where we’re heading.

Camera cuts in front of Andriarno’s helmet

Andriarno – she always did like to make an entrance

Camera fades into andriarno’s visor into space

A saber flies past the screen

Maiden – this is sierra 340, engadging hostiles around you Washington,

Washington – affirmative sierra, keep them back as long as you can

Maiden – I’ll buy you what time I can, just evac as many as you can

Washington – affirmative

Maiden continues to kill banshees

Washington – ODST Flyleaf are holding back a boarding party, and 300 civilians have been loaded onto escape pods, firing now! Now! Oh fuck!

Maiden – Washington, Washington?

Washington – the escape pods aren’t working, oh shit,

Maiden’s saber swings around towards the frigate

Maiden – I’m coming aboard

Washington – sierra, are you crazy? We need cover fire

Maiden – Washington, if you can’t get those civilians off the ship then I’m just prolonging the inevitable, I’m boarding

Washington – the hangers have sustained damage, you won’t be able to dock the saber

Maiden – I wasn’t planning on it

Maidens saber flies at high speed at the ship and crashes into the side

Camera shows the explosion and then shows the space behind it (not showing maidens spinning corpse)

*game changes to anchor nine custom game*

Maiden drops through the force field and onto the ground, draws his shotgun and kills 2 of the elites who had also boarded the frigate (engaged with the ODST inside)

Kirstin – sierra this way

Kirstin and 4 other ODST lead maiden into the command room

Kirstin – sir, the Spartan is aboard.

Washington – thank you Kirstin, get your team ready for pod launches

Kirstin – yes sir

The ODST leave the room via another exit

Washington – sierra the civilians are ready and waiting,

Maiden – ok, get yourself on one,

Washington – but sierra

Maiden – that’s an order, we don’t need anymore dead here soldier

Washington – sir

Washington leaves the room while maiden fiddles with the computer

Maiden – c’mon……… and……. Override yes got it!

SFX – loud bang followed by camera shake

Maiden looks out the doorway and see’s a bunch of elites

Maiden runs back to the computer

Washington computer – civilian pods away, ODST deployed

Maiden then turns and runs down the stairs and kills an elite, the others (elites) seeing this turn and start shooting.

SFX – loud bang again followed by sirens blaring out

Camera looks at the force field on the hanger bay as the force field starts fading away and coming back into life

*filmed in forge by deleting the shield door, in editing just cut and paste in shots of it deleted and inserted creating the effect of it being disabled*

SFX – electricity crackling

The elites turn and look at the now disabled shield door

*game settings changed*

Low gravity – high jump height – slow movement – for elites
Low gravity – high jump height – fast movement – for Spartans

The elites begin to be sucked backwards out the hanger bay

*maiden would now be wearing a jetpack*

Maiden starts running towards the hanger bay door and shoots an elite before jumping outwards and into space

Maiden – I sure hope this re-entry pack works.

*game changes back to campaign long night of solace*

Camera looks at frigate savannah (from inside the covenant corvette) as it gets blown up

Camera goes down to forge world where andriarno, billy and duckegg are boarding escape falcons
Gideon – look

The camera looks up at the sky (avoiding looking at the halo ring) where a small glint can be seen

Duckegg – Jarvis?

Jarvis – confirm, the object in the sky is the Washington

Duckegg – well there goes are secret weapon

Camera shows andriarno getting on the falcon turret

Andriarno – *breathes deeply*

Camera looks deeper into Andriarno’s visor

Andriarno – something tells me our secret weapon will land in New Alexandria

Credit time =D


To be continued

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