Lol im not famous

yet (;

Sunday 31 July 2011

Defiant Team Episode 10 Script

Halo Reach Machinima – Defiant Team – Episode 10
Taste of Poison

The camera opens up with maiden on the middle controller ring

Maiden – I don’t know what to do!

The camera shows paz shooting at the elites killing one

Paz – well, shoot it!

Omega – that won’t work…

Paz – then what would you have us do?

Paz keeps shooting

Omega – allow me

Omega glows and then the alarm turns off

The camera goes to maiden

Maiden – wait, how did you do that?

Omega – I can remotely interface with any technology, don’t question it

Maiden – urm… ok

Maiden then runs back to the wall where paz is still shooting at the elites

Maiden – Jarvis, bring the ships back around

Jarvis – affirmative Sierra 340

Maiden – where did we come in?

Paz – two floors up, we’ll have to move fast, especially with the gumball

Omega – I can make my own way you know?

Paz – I don’t think kicking you around to the second floor will work

Omega – no, reclaimer, allow me to make my own way, I’ll meet you by your ships

Maiden – we can’t loose you to the covenant

Paz – *quietly* not again at least, they won’t shoot him, just get to the ships then

Omega – will do reclaimer

The monitor flies off past the camera

The camera then cuts back to Yuna and Josh still on the helipad

Yuna steps backwards

Yuna – no, I shouldn’t have done that

Andriarno – I’m sorry

Josh looks away from Yuna who is already doing the same

Andriarno – I, uh

SFX – the falcon comes overhead

Yuna – lets, just, get on the falcon ok?

The 2 characters jump on the falcon and then it takes off

Note when the falcon takes off it will have to go over the training field because the covenant is glassing the planet behind the landing pad

The camera then goes back to maiden and Paz (now on the campaign level Long Night of Solace)

They run down the corridor towards the main command centre on the ship

As they enter the main command room they stop and see the covenant troopers in the room

Maiden – I’ve got a bad feeling about this…

Paz – just relax, concentrate

The covenant troops start attacking the 2 Spartans, who eventually, start clearing out the room

After the room has been cleared, the 2 Spartans look out the main window towards the super carrier

Maiden – was that there when we arrived

Paz – it must have been cloaked, we don’t have much time left

Paz starts walking away from the window

Maiden – I dunno, I reckon we could take the ship

The camera shows paz again as he walks away

Paz – stupid kid

The camera then goes to Josh and Yuna now walking up the stairs on powerhouse together

Andriarno – so what is this simulation mission anyway?

Yuna – urm… you’ve gotta defend a target from some rebel troopers for a set amount of time. So, you’ll have to give in that sniper rifle and DMR before we begin

Josh stops walking

Andriarno – can you hear that?

Yuna – hear what?

SFX – extremely quiet engines followed by a concussion rifle blast

Andriarno – look out!

Josh and Yuna run to the left just as a concussion rifle blast hits the ground where they were

The camera reveals some elites standing over the building coming out of active camo

Andriarno – I guess trainings over

Josh leads Yuna inside the building

The camera shows the elites moving towards the edge of the building and then jumping down into the water below

The camera then goes back to Yuna and Josh

Andriarno – Yuna, you stay here, radio command and get us out of here

Yuna – ok,

Josh runs down the end of the tunnel and starts shooting the elites who just keep coming at them

Yuna – the radio’s not working, they must be blocking it somehow

Josh looks around and see’s the room opposite the tunnel

Andriarno – there’s a room up there, looks like its got computers in it, would they work?

Yuna – they might, if we could get to them

Andriarno – trust me, that’s gunna be the easy part

Josh takes a few more shots and then goes back down the tunnel where Yuna is

The 2 characters go out the left hand passage way and up the stairs, Josh still making pot-shots with his Sniper Rifle

On the concrete path from the first building Josh runs and takes cover behind the stone pillar with elites still shooting at him

Andriarno – wait for my go

Yuna nods from the first building

Josh comes from out of cover and starts shooting the elites

Andriarno – ok now! Go, go, go

Yuna starts running across the pathway, Josh keeps firing his sniper and then changes to his assault rifle and follows Yuna still shooting at the elites

Once in the room Yuna goes straight to the controls while Josh reloads his assault rifle and Sniper rifle, he then stands against the wall holding off the elites as they reach the doorway

The elites keep pouring towards Josh and Yuna

Yuna – falcon Charlie 2, come in, the landing zone is cherry, we need evac now!

SFX – radio static

Yuna – god damn it, I can’t get hold of him

Andriarno – well we’ll have to think of something

Josh reloads

Andriarno – im running out of ammo

Josh starts killing the elites again

Yuna – come in, falcon Charlie two, god damn it!

SFX – dead mans click *the noise a gun makes when its out of ammo*

Andriarno – that’s it im out of ammo

Josh runs over to the computer with Yuna

SFX – radio static

Yuna – Charlie two come in, come in!

The camera shows the elites converging on the room

The camera goes back inside

Andriarno – c’mon, just leave it

Josh pulls Yuna away from the computer and down the stairs

The pair turn to exit the towards the water but see elites coming towards them

Josh and Yuna turn around again and see elites coming towards them from the other side

Andriarno – oh crap

Josh spins around and takes Yuna down into the, like shower room thing under the stairs

The camera goes above the building, in an areal shot showing the elites coming towards the building

The camera then cuts back to Long Night of Solace with maiden and Paz

Maiden and paz are running through the corridor again back towards the hanger bay

The camera flies through the pair of Spartans as it winds round the corridor and then opens up showing the pelican entering the spaceship (campaign cut scene)

Jarvis – get aboard quickly Spartans, my scans show inbound covenant forces

Maiden – we’re coming don’t worry

Paz – Jarvis, do you have the construct on the ship

Jarvis – affirmative, although he’s very annoying

Paz – copy that Jarvis, ETA 20 seconds

The camera cuts away from the cut scene with the pelican to maiden and paz walking into the room, revealing the covenant troopers attacking the pelican

Paz – this just isn’t my day

Maiden – Jarvis, initiate launch systems, we’re on the way

Jarvis – negative Sierra 340, I can’t launch while under fire, protocol indicates that you must remove these soldiers first

Paz – can’t you just –

Jarvis – negative

Paz – god damn it

The 2 Spartans run down the ramp and start shooting the elites and grunts

The camera goes through a bunch of combat shots and then cuts back to Highlands with Gideon walking towards the blue base

Duckegg – hey, urm, Gigen

Gideon turns and looks at Duckegg

Billy – for the last time, my name is Gideon! It’s not that hard to pronounce

Duckegg – yeah, whatever, look where’s Josh I need to talk to him about the whole breakout thing

Billy – oh, right, he’s not here

Duckegg – I know that, do you know where he is?

Billy – I dunno, some girl came in and took him to the command building

Duckegg – what for, he hasn’t grassed me up already has he?

Billy – I don’t think so, he seemed pretty interested in escaping to be honest, unless that girl has asked him

Duckegg – wait, what girl?

Billy – oh, the angel

The camera looks at duckegg directly

Duckegg – the… what?

Billy – oh, he said he found his angel, and that they were gunna get married and live together and have lots and lots of children.

Duckegg – riiiiight, so which Spartan is that?

Billy – oh, she’s not a Spartan, she’s one of the overseers

The camera goes through a few cycles of Jack and Gideon

Duckegg – aren’t they, like, older than us though?

Billy – yeah, that’s what I thought but I guess there must be some female pedophiles out there somewhere. Better him than me

The camera looks at duckegg again

Duckegg – you’re retarded aren’t you

The camera looks at Gideon

Gideon – urm… yeah probably

The camera then goes back to Powerhouse with Yuna and Josh

Josh – Yuna, this looks like the end

Yuna – I know, just keep fighting

Josh – but, before we die I have to tell you something

Yuna – im not sure now’s the best time josh

Josh – but it might be the only time

The elites walk into the room, but Josh manages to punch one to the ground and grabs its sword, dropping his sniper rifle

Josh manages to kill a few other elites

The camera goes outside again showing an increasing number of elites coming towards the building

The camera then goes back inside

Josh kills an elite and throws its plasma rifle to Yuna

Yuna and Josh keep killing elites, eventually Josh’s shield disappears

Yuna – Josh get back here

Josh goes back to the shower room behind the stairs with Yuna

The camera shows a few elites drawing their swords and then approaching the shower room

The camera then goes back to Long Night of Solace with Maiden and Paz

A few more combat shots of the 2 Spartans killing the covenant soldiers

Once the room is clear the camera goes to paz

Paz – we’re clear?

Maiden – yeah, can’t see anything alive

The camera shows Paz shooting dead elites in the neck making sure they’re dead

Maiden – Jarvis are you ready to take off?

Jarvis – affirmative sierra 340

Paz – ok get onboard

The camera shows the Spartans walking over to pelican, then the engineer floats past the camera

The camera then goes back to maiden

Maiden turns and looks up at the engineer

Maiden – Chris, what’s that?

Paz stops walking towards the pelican and looks at engineer

Paz – im… not sure, Jarvis can you ID the target?

Jarvis – negative

Maiden – is it dangerous?

Paz – it doesn’t seem to be, just take some recording of it and let’s get out of here

Maiden – got it,

The camera shows added text over the screen as if maiden is recording

The camera then shows maiden and paz getting on the pelican (walking behind it covered by the wings off camera as if they’re on it)

Paz – ok, we’re onboard, get us out of here Jarvis

SFX – pelican engines whirring

Jarvis – affirmative, please take your seats, the hostess will be round shortly with salted peanuts and beverages

Paz – very funny Jarvis

The camera then goes back to powerhouse with Josh and Yuna

Yuna comes out of cover and shoots a couple of elites holding them off

The plasma rifles over heats making her take cover again

Yuna pokes her head out and throws a grenade out

A couple of elites get blown up in the room

Yuna goes back into cover

Josh – there’s to many

Yuna – look, Josh, about that kiss, on the landing pad

Josh –  what? i know, it was a mistake

Yuna steps closer to Josh again

Yuna – shut up

The camera goes round the room showing an elite zealot

SFX – helmet being taken off again

The elite walks round the corner

The camera only shows Josh and Yuna from shoulder height down

The energy sword goes through Josh’s back, (phases in game)

Andriarno – aaaaaarrggghhh

The camera looks at the sword poking through josh’s chest

The camera then cuts to black


Duh duh duh!!! Is Josh dead? But how can he be if this is a flashback to his training days :O

Tune in next week for the big reveal

Yet another episode will be dedicated for flashbacks, I guess im just too imaginative

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