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yet (;

Monday 11 July 2011

Defiant Team Episode 6 & 7 in one post haha

August 22nd 2552

Defiant Team – Halo Reach Machinima – Episode 6

Say hello to a nice snowing filter over every shot on Breakpoint

CE – camera floats around breakpoint eventually coming down to the elites surrounding the Spartans

Elite General – ready

Paz – *under his breath* Josh, remember Harmony?

Andriarno turns slightly to paz

Andriarno – right,

Elite General – Aim

Andriarno – Gideon

Billy nods

Billy jumps forwards into the elites firing a rocket into the ground killing 2 of the elites, and then going into armor lock

Elite General – Fire, Fire! Fire!

The elites start shooting as do the rest of the Spartans

The general draws his sword and attacks Gideon hitting his back with his sword

SFX – electrical rumbling followed by more electricity bolts coming out of Billy’s armor which kills the elite general

After the death of the general billy comes out of armor lock and faces the others

Duckegg – what the hell was that?

Billy – dude that was fucking awesome that’s what that was

Paz – the general stabbed him in armor lock, it must of damaged the containment of the electric pulse

Duckegg – is that safe?

Andriarno – probably not

Billy – hang on

Billy tries to go into armor lock again but fails

Billy – damn it, it won’t work

Paz – anyway, we should get out of here quick,

Andriarno, duckegg, paz and billy walk away from the dead aliens

Billy – anyone remember where we parked?

Duckegg – very funny

Billy – no seriously where did we park

The camera goes to the falcon again showing Defiant Team walking back to the falcon

They all get in the falcon (obviously andriarno will have to disappear under a wing as if he was in the passenger seat again)

Andriarno – Jack, get us out of here

Duckegg – yes sir,

The falcon takes off and flies out towards the horizon

*game change to long night of solace*

The camera shows the cut scene where the rest of the covenant arrive in Reach’s orbit

Joining in the conversation*

Colonel Ackers – Defiant one, Defiant one, come in

SFX – radio static

The camera goes down to the military hospital again where maiden is

Colonel Ackers – Defiant One, this is Colonel Ackers, respond

Maiden – this is Defiant Two, go ahead Colonel

Colonel Ackers – Defiant two, we need you out of the city, get the rest of Defiant to Besaid Island as soon as they return from their mission

Maiden – Besaid, I’ve never heard of it

Ackers – it’s a classified ONI island, you’re not supposed to hear about it

Maiden – affirmative colonel,

Ackers – good, Ackers out

Maiden walks away from the radio

SFX – falcon propellers

The camera goes to the top of sword base (medic centre) as Duckegg, Billy, Paz and Andriarno walk around the corner as if from the higher level

The 4 Spartan’s walk down the corridor, past the medical bay and across the walkway towards the room where maiden is in

As the Spartans walk into the room maiden looks over and acknowledges them

CE – the camera changes game to the bone yard with Yuna running up some stairs inside the building with some other ODST

Yuna – Full ODST 1st attachment, Black Visor, Tac Pad, Hard Case, FJ Para Knees (Black & Rust)

Ricky – ODST helmet, Silver Visor, Sniper Left ODST Right Shoulders, ODST Chest, UA Bracer, UA/NxRA, FJ Para knees (Silver & Cobalt)

Chester – ODST Helmet, Default Visor, ODST Right CQC Left, FJ Para Chest, UA Buckler, UA CHOBHAM, Default Knees (Black & Silver)

Payn – ODST Helmet, 3rd attachment, Gunginir shoulders, Assault Sapper Chest plate, Tac Pad, UA CHOBHAM, Black Visor, Gunginir Knees (Blue and White)

Yuna – command come in, we’re over run, and we need evac now!

Chester – Yuna, watch out!

Chester pushes yuna out of the way of a covenant grenade

Chester gets hit by the grenade

Yuna turns back and see’s Chester lying on the floor

Yuna – Chester! Oh god

Chester – hey boss

The other 2 ODST stand around holding off a few covenant troops

Yuna – *radio* command come in, this is Flyleaf Leader, we have injured, requesting immediate evac

Chester – boss, I think I’ll just stay here you know?

Yuna – what?

Chester – I’ll draw them in, blow them up

Ricky – we’re not leaving him here, c’mon

Ricky crouches beside Chester

Chester – im done for, at least you guys can make it, make it count

Yuna and Ricky stand up again and turn away from Ricky

Chester – good luck

Ricky – you too

The 3 other ODST start running away from his body, still under fire from the covenant

As the elites move in closer to the body of Chester he moves against the wall (crouching)

The elites stop firing and move in to kill using their energy swords

Chester – this is Chester Bennington, Flyleaf Squadron, hooahh

Just as the elites reach the crouched ODST he blows up using his grenades killing the elites

The camera moves up through the corridor with the explosion chasing the camera

Once the camera reaches outside the ODST move out from the corridor and escape from the fireball as it flies past and into the camera

Yuna – ok, lets get moving, we’ve gotta get this data back to ONI

The 3 ODST move away from the corridor and into the building

(game change to Pillar of Autumn inside the bone yard part of campaign)

Note loadouts are available in campaign

Yuna – Shotgun, DMR = just after you drop down from the cave, beside the hut

Ricky – Sniper, Magnum = sniper rifle is up in the middle structure on the right hand side
Payn – Assault Rifle, Spartan Laser – the laser is up in the middle structure on the left hand side.

As the 3 ODST left jump down towards the door, they continunly kill the covenant in there way once at the doorway Yuna starts walking backwards shooting with her DMR until the door closes

The 3 ODST look at the dead marines in the corridor

Ricky – ok, lets take this slowly

The 3 ODST move through the corridor stopping when the loud banging is heard (scripted event in game)

Ricky – what was that?

Yuna – c’mon lets keep moving, I don’t wanna be hear to find out

Yuna, Ricky and Payn keep moving through the corridor eventually coming up to the refinery

Inside the refinery there is a couple of Marines, they will talk to us as if we’re Spartans this will need to be dubbed out

Ricky – what’s the situation?

Marine 2 – we can’t get past them, they can’t get past us

Yuna – we need to get through here now

Marine 1 – we’re doing our best ma’am

Payn – ok, lets finish this fight

Payn runs through the glass window (he’ll have to shoot it first to jump through with the glass shards falling with him at the same time)

Once Payn lands on the ground he charges up his laser and kills the elite (or jackal)

The other ODST and marines fight their way out the doorway

Payn starts moving round the corner and see’s the phantom dropping off some troops

The phantom opens fire on Payn (it will do automatically so whatever)

Payn takes cover

Ricky – this way, quick

Ricky leads the 2 other ODST underneath the main platform leading them to the refinery lower level

Game changes back to a Bone Yard custom game on top of the middle structure

Ricky – yes, daylight, I thought id never see it again

Yuna – we’re not outa the woods yet, c’mon

Yuna, Ricky and Payn run to the end of the building where they see the stair case

The 3 ODST swing around the staircase and stop on the lower platform looking down to the ghost and revenant

Ricky – they’re, that’s our ticket out of here

Payn – so observant…

Payn jumps off the side of the platform and lands on top of the Ghost jumping in the driver’s seat

The other 2 ODST take their seats and drive off

Game changes to Tip of the Spear during the driving part of campaign

The Ghost jumps over the ridge landing on the camera

Yuna – how far to the rendezvous point?

Ricky – not far, turn left… here

The Revenant and Ghost drifts round the corner revealing the Covenant AA gun

Ricky – what is that?

Payn – that’s a problem

Yuna – not for us, *radio* any UNSC air support in the area, stay clear of sector 6. we’ll take out the AA gun for evac

Command – affirmative Flyleaf Command, we have Spartans deploying over head, they’ll pick you up once you’ve neutralized that gun

Yuna – yes sir

Ricky – boss, get me round the back door. I’ll run in, disable it and then you pick me up

Yuna – got it

The revenant speeds off round the corner leaving Payn (in the ghost) to go the other way

Ricky – we’ve got hunters! Better make this quick

The revenant slows allowing Ricky to jump off

Yuna – here take this

Ricky – thanks

(Because a sniper rifle isn’t available he will now have a magnum)

The revenant jumps down again

Yuna *radio* – you’ve got 30 seconds

Ricky *radio* – I’ll be out of here by then

Ricky runs inside and shoots through the reactor shield door

Once its down he throws a grenade through the gap making it blow up, he turns and see’s the hunter at the door

Ricky – oh fuck

He runs out the doorway away from the hunter and the reactor

Ricky – Boss?

The camera goes to the revenant charging up the hill, the revenant hits one of the hunters and then stops beside Ricky who jumps on the revenant and drops down off the ledge

Once the revenant has dropped down it faces the wraith (probably have to be P4 controlled)

The wraith targets the revenant, while the revenant just stands in front of it

Ricky – abandon ship!

Yuna and Ricky jump out of the revenant, just in time for the wraith to destroy the vehicle

The camera looks at the huge plasma explosion and then looks up to the pelican coming down with re-enforcements

The camera goes above the falcon as it comes down dropping off the marines

3 games will be filmed (one with ODST YRP and one other with Defiant Team. The 3rd will have Paz yuna Ricky and andriarno)

Game 1 – The 2 ODST run round the back of the pelican shot and run at the Covenant with the other marines

 Game 2 – the other Spartans jump on the wraith and destroy it and then move round the other side of the rock

Game 1 – the ODST troopers move up around the hunters

1 – Ricky jumps up on the rock and starts firing at the hunters

*hopefully* -- the hunter will turn and face Ricky, if not we’ll do this on a single player game

Game 2 – Maiden and Billy flank round to the left of the pelican shooting the covenant eventually stopping at the bridge where they hold position and continue shooting

Game 2 – Andriarno and Duckegg follow in with the marines firing at the covenant

Game 1 – *ive recorded this already* Ricky, standing on the rocks fires at one of the hunters and then jumps on top of its head before jumping off and punching it causing death

Note – this clip is on my file share known as “the witch doctor is in”

Ricky – oh fuck, did you see that? I am awesome

Game 2 – paz comes round the corner killing a few grunts and jackals while duckegg and andriarno back him up

Maiden – we clear?

Duckegg – I don’t see nothing alive

Billy – that’s always a good sign

Paz walks up to Ricky

Paz – I hear you boys needed some help

Ricky – I reckon we could’ve taken them

Paz – yeah, I can see that

Paz looks around at the AA gun and then down to where Andriarno is standing alongside Yuna

Andriarno and Yuna start walking towards where the pelican would be (it flies away as part of the scene no matter what)

Paz – ok, lets get you guys out of here

Ricky – sounds like a plan

Payn walks into the shot with Paz and Ricky

Payn – we have some critical data for ONI, we’ve been told to report to Besaid Island

Paz – yeah, Colonel Ackers told us to pick you guys up, we’re heading there too

Marine – we’re gunna secure this area Sierra, you guys get out of here

Paz – ok Sergeant, good luck

Paz and Ricky walk off screen

Maiden and Billy also walk over to the pelican landing area

And finally duckegg walks past a camera angle

Game changes to a custom map of the inside of a pelican

Duckegg walks past the camera which then makes the camera follow him to up to the cockpit

(Note the cockpit is a bit crummy so probably aim the camera into the pelican from here on instead of outwards)

Maiden – what’s up Jack?

Duckegg – what’s our ETA?

Maiden – bout half and hour, why?

Duckegg steps closer to maiden and then the camera moves backwards out the cockpit

Credits theme


A picture of Burnie Burns :D

Halo Reach Machinima – Defiant Team – Episode Seven
Last One Out, Turn Off The Lights

CE – the camera stays on a black screen as the video starts

Maiden – do something about those Banshees’s!

Billy – im trying!

SFX – grenade being launched

Duckegg – fucking shoot them!

SFX – banshee fire into the pelican

Payn – arrrrgghhhh

Yuna – Oh my god, Payn are you ok?

SFX – more gun fire from the pelican

Yuna – Payn?

Andriarno – how is he?

Yuna – I, I dunno

Ricky – he’s dead

Paz – oh fuck! James you gotta get us out of this!

SFX – more banshee fire followed by a banshee bomb

Duckegg – watch out!

SFX – explosion followed by an alarm bell ringing.

Maiden – I can’t maintain altitude, we’re going down

SFX – the pelican hitting the ground and sliding into a crater

The camera opens up finally with some actual machinima

Andriarno walks past the camera towards Yuna and Ricky

Andriarno – how’d the salvage go?

Ricky – not… great, we managed to find a few battle rifles, the bastards even broke my sniper rifle

Andriarno – brilliant…

Josh turns to Yuna and nods to the left, she then walks beside him away from Ricky

Andriarno – listen, I don’t want you near any danger, I want you on the next evac ship off of Reach.

Yuna looks at Josh as he says that

Yuna – what?

Andriarno – I don’t want you getting hurt

Yuna stops walking and looks at Josh, who turns around

Yuna – no you listen, im just as capable of looking after myself as you are. Im not going anywhere

Andriarno – but, what happened on the falcon, with Payn –

Yuna – could’ve happened to anyone!

Josh steps closer to Yuna

Andriarno – well at least have this.

The camera cuts back from the pair and shows James, Gideon and Jack standing around some crates from the pelican

Ricky walks past the 3 Spartan’s

Ricky – hey guys, what’s up?

Duckegg – hey Rick, you know what they’re talking about?

Ricky – who them? Nah, probably gay stuff right? *laughs*

The 3 Spartans look at each other and then at Ricky

Ricky – anyway…

He wonders off screen

Maiden – where’s Chris got to anyway? We can’t be that far away from the bunker

Duckegg – maybe the banshee’s circled around

Billy – Chris would take them, he’s a Spartan II

Maiden – yeah well, I think we should of headed off with him

Duckegg – yeah cause you would of kept up with him

Andriarno and Yuna walk back over towards the group

Andriarno – we’ve agreed its time we started to head after Chris.

Duckegg – what do you mean, “we’ve agreed” we didn’t agree anything

Andriarno – what?

Duckegg – I say we wait here

Andriarno – oh so you want to be in charge?

Duckegg steps forwards to Andriarno

Duckegg – ok then

Andriarno – *awkwardly* well you can’t, im in charge

Duckegg – *scoffs*

Duckegg walks away

Andriarno – ok, mount up, we’re leaving in 5 minutes

The camera cuts away from the Spartans and ODST’s and goes to Chris running through the map

He eventually comes to the island on Forge World with the cave

Paz – that looks, bunkerish?

He walks up to the entrance and see’s the old damaged mongoose’s and barricades

Chris walks in to the bunkers entrance slowly

He looks at the vehicles and then down the slope

*game changes to a custom map built as if underground*

Chris walks out from the tunnel into a grand hall with a closed blast door with red flashing lights either side

As he walks towards the door light come on (SFX on forge turned on and off)

*game change to day light map of bunker*

Chris looks around after the lights have come on

Paz – hello?

The camera looks around the room from Paz’s point of view

SFX – alarm bells ringing and a metallic grinding noise as the door begins opening

(forge mode filmed with Chris out of shot showing the door opening)

Chris steps forwards through the door way into a similarly large room where more UNSC equipment is stored

Colonel Ackers – *voice over radio* the prodigal son returns, welcome back Defiant Four

Paz – Colonel Ackers?

Colonel Ackers – Yes Defiant Four, where is the rest of the team?

Paz – they sent me ahead to scout for the bunker.

Colonel Ackers – and the data?

Paz – it’s with the others

Colonel Ackers – Disappointing

The camera goes back to James, Gideon and the others

Andriarno steps forwards away from the crate behind him

Andriarno – ok, we’re heading out after him

Duckegg – finally our glorious leader makes a decision.

Josh looks at Jack and then to the rest of the group

Gideon – what about Chris?

Andriarno – we’ll find him along the way

Ricky – ok, lets head out

Ricky leads the rest of the cast away from the crates leaving Yuna and Josh

Yuna – you sure about this?

Andriarno – yeah, we can’t wait forever, c’mon

The 2 remaining members of the cast follow the others through the cave

The camera goes back with Chris inside the bunker

Colonel Ackers – Defiant Four, I have a task for you

Paz – and that would be?

Colonel Ackers – you must agree prior to knowing what the task is

The camera goes back to the others as the island with the bunker on it comes into view

Maiden – look, what’s that?

The camera looks up at the island where a small metallic glint can be seen where the tunnel is (PPE)

Gideon – that’s an island, it’s a piece of land, surrounded by water

Maiden – I mean that, the shining light off the mountain wall

Billy – ooooohhhh, that’s a glint.

Maiden – I KNOW!!!!

Duckegg – it’s our best bet, c’mon

Duckegg leads them across the beach way and onto the small island

The camera changes to a shot over looking the island where the invisible distortion can be seen slightly from an Elite minor

The elite moves backwards out of camera shot

The camera goes down to defiant 1,2,3,5 and the ODST’s

The group walks through the cave beside the tunnel’s entrance slowly emerging out the cave

Ricky – check it out, the UNSC logo, this has got to be the place

Ricky steps out from the cave towards the bunkers entrance

SFX – winter contingency plays, the part where noble team are attacked by the Zealots

An elite Zealot jumps down and assassinates Ricky

Yuna – no! Ricky!!!

The Spartans and Yuna start shooting the zealot killing him just as more covenant troops arrive

Banshees fly over head and bomb in front of bunker entrance

SFX – alarms ringing inside the bunker

The camera goes down into the bunker where Chris is standing in the room

Post Production – a flashing red light comes on in the room completely illuminating the screen in red every few seconds

Ackers – What’s that?

EOD 2 – it’s the covenant, they’ve found the bunker sir

Ackers – Defiant Four, take care of the covenant

The camera looks up from the ground as Chris pulls a turret off the tripod

Paz – I’ll finish the fight, sir

He walks back through the bulk doors

The camera goes back up to the bunkers entrance

The camera looks at Andriarno and maiden who have taken cover in the cave

Andriarno – James, you and Gideon cross over to that rock, we’ll cover you

Maiden – got it, Gideon!

Gideon looks over at Maiden

Maiden – move to that rock on my signal

Andriarno – ok, go!

Andriarno, Yuna and Duckegg come out of cover and start shooting while Maiden and Billy run across

The camera shows 3 banshees doing another pass over the island

The camera then goes back to paz who walks up the tunnel with his turret and starts mowing down covenant troops

Duckegg – Chris! Cover me

Paz – go for it

Duckegg jetpacks up on top of the mountain and starts using his DMR to get a few headshots on (otherwise) unobtainable elites

The camera goes down to Yuna and Andriarno

Yuna – Josh, watch my back, im gunna run to the bunker

The camera shows the 3 banshees splitting off from each other and then turning around

The camera goes back to Yuna and Josh

Andriarno – ok, go now!

Yuna runs out in the open while Josh provides cover fire

The banshee’s swing over head and shoot Yuna who falls into the tunnel (in game she would die)

Yuna – arrghhhh

The camera shows here dead body lying on the ground

Yuna – ahhh

The camera quickly goes back to Josh who stands up seeing this

The camera shows the banshee doing a U-turn and flying towards Josh

The banshee bombs Josh whose body flies up into the air

The camera changes to a snap shot on the ground

PPE – Josh’s Mark V helmet drops into frame shattering on the ground in slow motion

The camera goes back to the fight scene where Yuna stands up again

As she stands up the shield recharges showing that Josh had given her his shield while the 2 where talking before, its also why Josh’s Mark V Helmet gets destroyed by the banshee bomb

 Billy runs inside the tunnel to help Yuna

Billy – Yuna, are you ok?

SFX – electric explosion in the background

Yuna – im fine, where’s Josh?

Billy and Yuna turn around and look up the tunnel

The camera goes outside again showing Josh’s body, with his helmet covered by his body or arm or whatever

Maiden drops down beside him and looks at his body

Maiden – oh fuck, Chris we’ve gotta get him inside

Paz – im a little busy!

The camera shows paz shooting the elites and ghosts that have now arrived

Paz – *radio* Colonel we need some reinforcements out here

SFX – radio silence

Paz – Colonel!

Ackers – Affirmative Defiant Four, im sending a squad out

The camera looks over the mountain and shows a couple of falcons rising who then swing down low and flank the elites

The camera shows the falcon swinging behind from the gunners POV as he mows down the elites

The 2nd falcon comes in low over Defiant Team and drops off a couple of EOD troopers who join in the fight

The camera looks at maiden who is still beside Andriarno’s body

Maiden – Josh? Josh get up

An EOD trooper, while still shooting, comes to stand beside Maiden and Andriarno

EOD 1 – c’mon leave him

Maiden – we’re not leaving him! Cover me, I’ll get him inside

The EOD trooper walks forwards to provide cover fire

EOD 1 – you’ve got 30 seconds

Duckegg jumps down off the roof of the mountain and switches to his pistol firing at the elites

Duckegg – James, hurry up

Maiden – (off screen) im almost there, just hold on

Duckegg keeps firing but now steps backwards towards the tunnel entrance

Maiden – *over radio* Colonel Ackers we need a medical tube down here now, Defiant One is injured, I repeat Defiant One is injured

Yuna – *concerned* Josh!

Ackers – *over radio* affirmative, they’re on their way

Maiden – *over radio* we’re on our way down

The camera turns and shows Paz and duckegg walking back through the tunnel entrance

The camera shows an EOD trooper being killed just before the entrance to the tunnel

Once inside the entire team walks down the tunnel and into the custom Bunker

The camera looks above the waist line for everyone as to hide where Josh would be

The Spartans and Yuna run into the room past the bulk heads still with the elites following them

Duckegg – close the bulkheads quick!

Chris and Gideon run over to the controls

SFX – buttons being pressed and then metallic grinding

 Game change – The camera shows the doorway closing, with some plasma rifle shots coming through on forge mode

Game change – the game changes to the closed bunker map

Some EOD troopers come out from the doorway

EOD 3 – where’s the data?

Yuna – the data? What about Josh

Maiden – she’s right, get him to a medical bay quick

EOD 3 – we’ll get to that once we have the data

Yuna – here

Yuna walks to the EOD trooper and then back to Josh

EOD 3 – and the other part

The EOD trooper looks at Maiden

Maiden – there

Maiden turns to the EOD trooper who then turns and walks out the room, the other EOD troopers walk out with the Spartans and Yuna

Inside the corridor 3 EOD troopers go down a corridor while the Spartans and Yuna go down a different one.

The camera follows the medical EOD’s

The camera eventually stops on Josh’s body on the operating table, the camera slowly moves up his body, starting at his legs and stopping on his chest plate looking at the Rose emblem.

*speech going up his body*

EOD 4 – ok, we need to stitch his eye back together

EOD 5 – he’s loosing too much blood

EOD 4 – let’s act quickly then

EOD 3 – here, hold this layer of skin

EOD 5 – that’s one of the worst plasma burns I’ve ever seen

EOD 3 – agreed, he’s gunna have a purple mark across here, there’s nothing that can change that now

Annoying editing for Max – the camera then pulls outwards on Yuna’s rose emblem now watching from the next room at the operating table

The camera cuts to black


Picture of George Lucas

Get it?

Burnie Burns
Max    Burns

George Lucas
Andy    Lucas

Still working on Episode 8 (:

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