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yet (;

Saturday 30 July 2011

Defiant Team Episode 9

Halo Reach Machinima – Defiant Team – Episode 9
Seeds of Defiance

The camera opens up inside the Command building on Highlands

Ackers – the mission details will be briefed to you on the way to the simulation base

The camera looks over Josh’s shoulder and shows Yuna again

The camera opens up on the Grifball court again

Announcer – and that wraps up the scores at 4 a piece, who ever make’s the next point will win the game and take their place at the top of the league

Announcer 2 – yes and the looser will go second

Announcer – right you are, now it’s the break before the last round, the teams have gone into their respective changing rooms

The camera goes inside the red teams changing rooms

Ben – you guys are doing brilliant

Billy – thanks coach

Alman01 – apparently not good enough, they’re equalizing after every point we score

Santiago – inalterable Spanish

Alman01 – what?

Ben – he said “we have the heart to win, there fore we will”

Santiago – *Spanish accent* – no I said *unidentifiable Spanish*

Billy – oh, I get him

Alman01 – you do?

Billy – yeah, its so obvious, if they keep equalizing that means they can’t get ahead because all they can do is equalize

Ben and Alman01 look at each other

Ben – that makes sense…

Alman01 – no it doesn’t!

SFX – ringing

Announcer – and the teams are being summoned back to the court now, no more time for tactics, time to Grifball!

Alman01 – brilliant

The team walks out the changing room and back towards the court

The camera goes back with maiden and Paz inside there sabers flying towards the covenant corvette

The 2 sabers fly past the camera

*annoying idea but*

The camera follows the sabers through space eventually revealing the corvette and then pulling away

Paz – ok, get ready to board the ship

Maiden – im ready

The sabers fly towards the corvette

The camera changes to a custom game on zealot, so we can film on top the corvette without stupid marines and what not

Jarvis – autopilot activated, override of cockpit controls initiated

Paz and maiden drop down onto the top of corvette

Maiden – stuck the landing

Paz – brilliant, Jarvis do they know we’re here?

Jarvis – negative, the ships stealth runs are working as thought

Paz – good, c’mon James

The 2 Spartans walk towards the edge of the entrance to the ship

Paz – ok, absolute stealth, only attack if we have to

PPE – the camera shakes

SFX – engines powering up

Maiden – what the hell was that?

Paz – the ships moving, it must be going to refuel

Maiden – so…

Paz – so we’ve got even less time than we thought we did

The camera goes back to the Grifball court looking at the score board with the time remaining displayed 2:45 seconds left

Gideon has the Grifball on the reds side of the court; Santiago and Ronaldo have both left the court. The whole of the blue team is still there.

Announcer – im sure its only a matter of time before the league has a new leader, Alman01 is holding off the Epsilons but they’re incredibly outnumbered

Announcer 2 – yes there is more of them than them

Alman01 swings his hammer at the epsilon attackers while Gideon stands behind him

Billy – uhh, Alman01 do something!

Alman01 – im trying, its not as easy as it looks

Alman01 manages to take out one of the Epsilons and narrowly avoids the other attackers strike

Announcer – that’s an improvement for the Deltas, its still a mountain of odds

Alman01 runs forwards allowing Gideon to run down the side of the pitch gaining some ground to the midway part of the pitch

The epsilon runner joins the blockers stopping Gideon from running forwards any further

The camera looks at the score board again showing the time ( 1: 20 )

Announcer – with just short of a minute left, Gideon will have to make a move on the goal

Announcer 2 – yes time sure is running out

The camera goes onto Long Night of Solace with Maiden and Paz

Paz and Maiden sneak down the corridor reaching the doorway, which opens and reveals a group of Elites and grunts (happens in game no matter what)

Maiden and Paz shoot the elites and grunts

Paz -- c’mon, we don’t have long before they find the bodies

Maiden – right

Paz and maiden run down the corridor eventually coming into the zealot map

Paz and maiden walk down onto the lower part of the map

Maiden – where’s the elites?

Paz – I don’t know, but, im not complaining

The 2 Spartans walk down into the lowest part of the map by the elevators

The 2 Spartans face the camera

Paz – that’s what where here for

Maiden – huh

The camera goes back to highlands showing Andriarno and Yuna walking over towards the falcon on the helicopter pad

Andriarno – so, urm, how’d you like my armor

Yuna – its all right, I guess

Andriarno – you know, I heard they’re making a new Mark V helmet, the prototype looks pretty cool

Yuna – yeah, I guess so

The camera looks at Andriarno’s helmet

Billy – *in Andriarno’s head* I find the most attractive part of the woman is the boobies

Andriarno – I find the most attractive part of the woman is the boobies

Yuna turns and stares at Josh

Yuna – excuse me!?

Josh looks around and then turns back to Yuna

Andriarno – urm… I would like to gain access to your base. Shall I enter from the front or the rear?

Yuna keeps staring at Josh

Andriarno – urm… is my auto aim malfunctioning, its stuck on you…

Yuna turns away from Josh and walks to the falcon

Yuna – its not the only thing that’s supposedly malfunctioning

Josh and Yuna get on the falcon and fly off towards the distance over the combat grounds; we can’t go over the building cause the Covenant Super Carriers glassing the planet.    

The camera then goes back to the covenant corvette

Maiden – what is that?

Paz – its something the UNSC will need to win the war

Paz walks forwards to the artifact

The camera shows Paz’s shadow as he approaches the artifact

SFX – ominous noise


                                    NO GOING BACK NOW

The artifact is a forerunner monitor, as im writing this I don’t know what to call it yet. Rough ideas though, so the kind of noise epsilon makes in RVB or Guilty Sparks in Halo

Concept names for the Monitor:

Fallen Destiny                     Sentinel Omicron
Discarded Fawkes               Optimus Prime
Disgraced Honor                 Origin Omega

The camera looks at the shadow and then goes back to the Grifball court

The camera shows the score board

“30 seconds left”

Alman01 – 30 seconds left!

Gideon runs the ball forwards towards the epsilons punching over one of the players making the game equal

Gideon quickly steps backwards allowing Alman01 to take his position as a blocker

Alman01 hits another Epsilon blocker leaving only Emily left for Epsilon

The camera shows the score board’s timer again

Now showing 25 seconds left, even though that last sequence probably took 15 seconds

Emily hits Alaman01 removing him from the game, leaving only Gideon and Emily on the court

Gideon tries jumping around her but she manages to block him keeping him a quarter of the pitch away from the score point

Billy – I don’t want to hurt you girl

Emily – you won’t

Gideon tries to make another pass but she blocks him again

The camera shows the scoreboard again showing 15 seconds

Gideon takes a few steps backwards from Emily

Gideon then runs to the left of her, making her follow him, he then ducks backwards trying to circle past her

She manages to block Gideon off again

Billy – god damn it girl, you’re beaten all ready, lemme score

Emily – no way, Gigen *deliberately taking the Mick out of his name*

Billy – my, name. is Gideon

Gideon jumps up into the air *increased jump height*

The camera shows the score board, time remaining 10 seconds

Slow motion of Gideon coming in to land

Time remaining 9 seconds

Slow motion of Gideon falling

This sequence continues until the time remaining is 1 second

Gideon then lands on the goal planting the bomb

Announcer 2 – he’s scored the goal, Gideon has scored

Gideon, crouching on the score post, turns slightly and turns to the camera behind him

PPE – special titles come over the snap shot of Gideon, like sport sponsors and his name and crap in Gideon’s colors

Announcer 1 – Gideon’s goal tally now reaches the 120 mark in his 5 seasons as a Delta player, he’s now pushed the Dominators 6 points ahead of at the top of the league

Gideon turns to Emily, who is now walking away from him

Billy – hey, Emily

Emily turns slightly looking behind her

Billy – re-match soon yeah?

The camera shows Emily’s helmet in a close up

Emily nods and then starts walking away again

The camera goes to reflection with Josh and Yuna

The 2 characters walk round the corner and into the camera shot

Yuna – it must be difficult having being taken in to the Spartan program

Andriarno – I try not to think about it…

Yuna – yeah, I mean, not being able to visit the places you like or… do the things you like?

Andriarno – or be with the people that I love?

Yuna – I thought you weren’t allowed to love, something about it interfering with battle strategies

Andriarno – Spartans are designed as war machines, to keep the peace and protect humanity, so I guess we’re encouraged to love technically

Yuna – *laughs slightly to herself*

The two characters walk past the camera

Then the camera changes zealot again with Paz and Maiden looking into the room

Note – origin omega is kept off screen or partially covered as to not reveal it’s a monitor, even though it speaks and what not

Origin Omega – ah, reclaimers, I did hope that one day you would return

Maiden – its… an AI ball

Origin Omega – oh no, I am Origin Omega 216

Paz – well, what ever you are your coming with us now

Origin Omega – yes reclaimers, only, those guys might want to stop you

Maiden – what guys?

Maiden and paz turn the way that Omega is looking

The camera shows lots of elites looking at the 2 Spartans and Omega

Paz – oh, hi there, urm we’re just urm… fuck

The camera goes back to Yuna and Josh on reflection, now on the balcony looking over the rest of the map

Yuna – so, do you remember anything about your life before they…

Andriarno – before they took me?

Yuna – yeah, I mean, do you remember where you lived or your parents or anything?

Andriarno – a little, I remember that I used to live on Mars, New Paris I think

Yuna – how can you be sure?

Josh looks downwards at the ground

Andriarno – I remember, something’s about my past, at least I think I do.

Yuna – how’d you mean?

Andriarno – well, ive got this vision, in my head, but I don’t know if it’s real though, but at the same time, I don’t know whether I wanna know if it’s real… or just something I thought up. For all I know I could have been born on any planet

Yuna – that must be difficult

Josh turns away from Yuna slightly

Andriarno – its worse *sounding slightly agitated*

Yuna turns and steps closer to Josh

Andriarno – how could they do that to us? They took away everything and everyone I ever loved! *shouting to himself*

Yuna steps backwards slightly

Andriarno – and my family probably thinks Im dead! Imagine what they must of gone through once I was taken *still shouting but eventually becoming more docile*

Yuna pauses for a second then steps back closer to Josh

Yuna – to care is to be human

Josh turns back slightly to Yuna

Andriarno – I’m not human, im… im a Spartan

Josh looks down again away from Yuna

The camera moves slightly to take Josh off the screen showing only Yuna

Yuna moves off screen with Josh

SFX – helmet being taken off

SFX – kissing *or* some other way of projecting the kiss on screen*

Ideas I have so far –

à Digitally insert shadows of the characters in front of the camera showing the kiss
à Alman01’s anime drawings… although this was planned only for season  2 onwards
à Referred to in dialogue in episode 10 “Scars of War”
à Pornographic music

The camera goes to zealot showing the elites looking at the Spartans and Omega

Elite 1 – they must not defile the relic!

The elites draw there swords

Maiden turns to paz

Maiden – urm… run?

Paz – do ya think?

The 2 Spartan’s set off running

Omega – hey, get your hands off me, ahhh help me!

Paz – just be quiet bowling ball

(Note untested theory but what can we film this in assault mode with the bomb, as if paz is carrying the monitor? Otherwise I have a secondary ending idea)

Paz and maiden quickly use the elevators and manage to get onto the outer rim of the map

The elites follow up the elevator but one runs to the upper middle part of the map to the keyboards

Maiden runs round the edge of the map and then see’s the elite approaching the computer tablet

Maiden – he’s gunna alert the whole ship!

Paz – then get him already

Maiden starts running towards the elite

Just as the elite reaches the table maiden an alarm starts going off

Maiden manages to assassinate the elite just as the alarm goes off

Maiden stands back up again

Maiden – oh god, no fuck, what do I do

The camera shows the covenant table

The camera shows paz and Omega taking cover behind a wall shooting at the elites

Paz – just turn it off!

Omega – if I might interject

Paz – just shut up cue ball

The camera goes back to maiden panicking around the controls

The camera cuts to black


Oh my god this flashback sequence was only meant to be 2 episodes haha

Here’s to a third! 

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