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yet (;

Saturday 30 July 2011

Episode 8 Defiant Team

Defiant Team – Halo Reach Machinima – Episode Eight

September 11 2542

The camera opens up on Highlands in the motor pool with a group of Spartans standing inline

*note either we’ll need a lot of fiends to help with personalized Spartan armor or we’ll film local with first level unlocks, obviously the first would be preferred

The camera looks at Billy and Andriarno who are standing together within the group

Billy – so you know why we’ve been called here?

Andriarno – nope, probably some bullshit like “try to win harder” or something

Billy – you mean try harder, to win?

The camera looks up and shows Colonel Ackers, and some ODST walk across the second layer

Andriarno – who’s that?

The camera looks at Colonel Ackers

Billy – that’s Colonel Eric Ackers,

Andriarno – not him, her

The camera turns slightly and looks at Yuna (without helmet add on)

Billy – I dunno,

Ackers – welcome Spartans, you have been summoned here for the final year of your tests, and you will all soon be joining the fight for all humanity. You should all be very proud of yourselves. That is all

Ackers walks away from the platform and the Spartans begin talking to one another

The camera looks down on Josh, who is looking up at the platform where Yuna is standing.

The camera then looks up and shows Yuna giving a quick glance to Josh and then walking the same way as Colonel Ackers with the other ODST’s

The camera then goes over to Duckegg whose standing on the other side of the room

He turns and waits to walk out the room as its blocked by Spartans

Spartan Geoff – we’ve got Capture the Flag again right?

Spartan Joel – yeah, then we’re free till tomorrow

Duckegg – hopefully not

Spartan Geoff – huh?

Duckegg – oh nothing, ‘scuse me

Duckegg squeezes between Geoff and Joel

The camera watches Duckegg walk away

The camera then goes to billy and Andriarno who are walking away from the motor pool with the rest of the Spartans

Andriarno – im telling you, she looked like an angel

Billy – yes…

Andriarno – seriously, I swear I heard, like, music and my heart flipped

Billy – wait, how can she look like an angel if all you saw was her armor?

The camera looks at Andriarno’s visor

The camera flashes white and then cuts back to the shot of Yuna walking over the platform

SFX – cheesey romancey music plays

PPE – fireworks go off around the screen and hearts fly around

The camera goes back to Andriarno and billy who have now stopped walking

The other Spartans are walking past billy and Andriarno

Billy – Josh, Josh! Josh!!

Andriarno – I’ve got to meet her

Billy – oh wait, I have just the thing!

Andriarno – urm ok?

Billy steps closer to Andriarno

Billy – this is my guide to women, it’s a very special book, like the bible, only with periods

Andriarno – riiiight

Billy – if you skip to chapter 3 it has some pick up lines

SFX – pages turning

Andriarno – are you sure abo—

Andriarno – what the hell is the… “Sanghelli Cup”?

Billy – yes, look, “I find the most attractive part of a woman is the boobies”

Billy – “I think something is wrong with my auto aim, cause I can’t take my eyes off you”

Billy – “I would like to gain access to your base. Shall I enter from the front or the rear?”

Billy – “are we playing assault? Cause my visors telling me to pick the bomb up, that’s you”

Billy – ad lib some others to choose during editing

Andriarno – you know what, im gunna leave these and try my own way

Billy – you’re funeral

Andriarno and Billy start walking again

The camera fades to black and re-opens with Billy and another Spartan standing on a Grif Ball pitch

Spartan Ben – Run it again!

Billy runs up to the ball and picks it up, 3 other Spartans run towards him

1 of the opposing Spartans runs directly at billy, who manages to jump out the way and then hit him to the ground

The other 2 opposing Spartans form up together as billy starts running towards them

Billy keeps running at the two and then jumps up in the air punching one of them in the head and then dropping on the other side of the last Spartan

He then runs to the goal and scores the point

Spartan Ben walks past the 3 opposing Spartans, who are now just getting back up, and stops beside Gideon

Ben – Gideon, you are truly gifted at Grif Ball, you’ve got the heart of a Grif

Billy – thank you coach

Ben – I’m going to be sad to see you leave after our last game next week; I’ll be loosing my star player

Billy – oh, who’s that?

Ben – you, you old knucklehead, you’re my star player

Billy – YAY ME!

Ben stands closer to Gideon

The camera pulls away and shows the other 3 Spartan’s now walking away,

Spartan 2 – I think he broke my arm

Spartan 1 – he did break my arm!

Spartan 3 – at least you can all still see!

Spartan 3 walks to the edge of the camera shot and then falls backwards (another player punches him off screen)

Spartan 3 – ow

The camera fades out to black and then re-opens up on Highlands again inside Blue base

Andriarno and Billy and Duckegg stand in blue base

Billy – so yeah, I really want to meet my family once im done being a Spartan and all

Duckegg – what if you could meet them before the end of the year?

Andriarno – what?

Duckegg – I’m planning a last ditch escape attempt with some other Spartans, you in? I could use a man with your skills

Duckegg turns to Andriarno

Billy – my skills are on the Grifball court though

Andriarno – hang on Gideon,

Andriarno turns to Duckegg

Andriarno – don’t you think we’ve tried that before? Its impossible to get away anyway

Andriarno turns to Gideon

Andriarno – c’mon

Andriarno and Gideon turn and start walking away from duckegg

Duckegg – I’ve already got the escape sorted; just need a way of getting to it

Andriarno stops walking the camera looks to the side of Josh’s visor and shows Duckegg in the background

Andriarno looks down at the floor

The camera shows a UNSC frigate going through space, (clip from Pillar of Autumn end cut scene)

The camera cuts away from blue base and to anchor nine with Maiden, Chris and an unnamed Spartan (who turns out to be Lord Marek) and some EOD troopers

Lord Marek – James, you are one of the most promising Spartan III’s, you even managed to complete your tests a year before any of the other Spartans in your class

Maiden – thank you sir

Lord Marek turns to Chris

Lord Marek – Sierra 232, are you happy to have him accompany you on this mission

Paz – sir, he’s like 12, you can’t be serious about this, cant I have Sierra 117 with me on this mission

Maiden – im 18 actually

Paz looks at maiden and then back at Lord Marek

Lord Marek – Chris, he’s as capable as any Spartan, that’s all I want to hear about this matter

Lord Marek turns away and leaves the room followed by the EOD troopers

Paz turns to Maiden again and then walks out the room

Paz – I don’t fucking believe this

Maiden follows out of the room

The game changes back to highlands inside the command building next to the waterfall with Josh, Yuna and colonel Ackers

Colonel is kept off screen or obstructed

Ackers – Josh, sierra 182, as part of you’re training you are to complete a number of practice missions. Our records indicate you are behind on the rest of the Spartans. Apparently during a failed escape attempt

Andriarno – urm, yes sir

Ackers – well, this is one of the overseers, her name is Yuna Burress, she will be part of you’re last simulation mission.

Andriarno turns and looks at Yuna and then back to Ackers

Andriarno – then what’s the mission sir?

The camera goes back inside the Grifball stadium

The dolly camera floats down the stadium round the outside at an angle

Announcer – hello and welcome to the Beta Group Grifball Division, today we have a massive game between The Delta Dominators and Epsilon Exterminators.

The camera cycles through a few shots of the Grifball stadium, fans and imported score board

Announcer – who ever wins out of these two teams will go top of the league with only 3 games to go, everyone is excited about The Delta Dominators star player, Gideon 341’s penultimate season in the Grifball league.

Announcer 2 – yes, I was talking to Gideon before this and he told me, “he really wants to win this time”

Announcer – right you are

The camera goes inside the changing room with 4 red Spartans and Spartan Ben

Ben – ok Delta Dominators

The camera shows the team looking up at the coach

Delta Dominators Team (red)

Gideon – 341 – standard armor
Josh – 182 – standard armor
Ronaldo – 337 – random armor
Santiago – 322 – random armor
Coach Ben – standard armor

Ben – we all know how important the game is, the winner goes top of the league

Gideon – and we’ll win the game

Ben – yes, we’ve all got the hearts of true champions, lets just show them how true champions play

The team stands up

Santiago *in ridiculous Spanish accent* – I will crush them under the might of my hammer

Alman01 stops and looks at Santiago

Alman01 then follows the team into the stadium

The camera goes back to the Grifball stadium where the delta dominators are walking out into the stadium

SFX – cheering from the audience

Announcer 2 – and here comes the delta dominators wearing their red kit

Announcer – yes, that’s right, however the epsilon exterminators have yet to show themselves. It could be a psychological ploy or perhaps there’s a problem behind the scenes.

The camera looks at Alman01 who looks up into the stands

The camera goes back into anchor nine with Paz and Maiden

Maiden – so what’s the mission?

Paz – it’s a grab and extract

Maiden – meaning…

Paz – we break into a covenant cruiser, take what we want and get back here
Maiden – wow, I’ve got to say, I’m really excited about my first mission.

Paz stops walking and looks at maiden, who turns and looks at paz

Maiden – what’s up

Paz – this is you’re FIRST mission?

Maiden – yeah, I’ve just graduated from training

Paz walks away from maiden

Maiden – hey, where you going?

Paz – im just going to update my last will and testament

Maiden – oh ok, I’ll be hear, you know, waiting and everything

The camera goes down to the Grifball stadium again

Announcer – oh, and here comes the exterminators

The camera shows the blue team arriving on the court

The 2 teams meet in the middle of the court face to face

Announcer – it seems that epsilon aren’t wasting any time in starting the game

Epsilon Exterminators

Geoff – 502 – same as motor pool part
Joel – 610 – same as motor pool part
Emily – 667 – random armor
Tyler – 700 – random armor

Announcer 2 – the teams will now take their positions and we’ll wait for the ball spawn

The 2 teams set up on each side of the court

SFX – beep, beep, bop Grifball

The ball spawns and the teams run towards it

Gideon reaches the Grifball first and pulls back allowing the 2 blockers (Santiago and Ronaldo) to rush in front of him

The opposing team rushes up to the 2 blockers

Gideon runs past Alman01 and passes the bomb to him

Alman01 runs down the edge of the court followed by Gideon

One of the opposing team stands in front of Alman01

Alman01 drops the bomb behind him and bashes the epsilon blocker while Gideon picks up the bomb and runs through

The 2 other blockers run towards Gideon however he plants the bomb and scores the point

Announcer – that was a spectacular play by Delta,

Camera shows a sporty instant replay thing showing the point

Announcer 2 – I think that’s Gideon’s 60th point of the season

Announcer – yes it is, this young man sure has an amazing talent for Grifball

The camera goes down with Delta

Alman01 – nice score Gideon,

Billy – thanks Alman01, I say we do the same thing again

Santiago *Spanish accent* – si, but they will be expecting that

Billy – yeah, but everyone expects us to score, we’re awesome

Alman01 – I think he’s talking about the play

Billy – oh, right, yeah just score again

Announcer – and here’s the second ball spawn

The camera shows the ball spawning and the epsilon team running towards it, it then turns and shows Delta just turning and realizing what’s going on

Then delta team runs up to the ball as well

The camera then changes to the cut scene from Long Night of Solace where the Saber is departing from Anchor Nine

Paz – deactivating grips, initializing thrusters on my mark… mark

SFX – engines whirring up

Game changes to the long night of solace showing a saber flying away from the savannah (renamed as Washington)

Maiden – deactivating Grips, following your lead Sierra 232

Paz – affirmative

The camera shows the 2 sabers launching away from the Washington and out into space

Depending on how long this episode is we may add some from the next to make up the minutes


At the end put a picture of Dee Bradley Baker
If you don’t know this person you’re lying because he did the voice for Auppa and Momo on Avatar.

Get it
George Lucas
Andy    Lucas

Burnie Burns
Max    Burns

James           Baker
Dee Bradley Baker

James         Maiden
Angelina    Jolie

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