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yet (;

Thursday 21 July 2011

Defiant Team Season 2 Strip -- Distant Thunder

Halo Reach Machinima – Defiant Team – Episode One
Distant Thunder

The first frame of the strip shows Jacks Gunginir helmet

Jack – *breathing deeply*

Jack stands holding his Gravity Hammer over his right shoulder surrounded by dead Spartans lying on the ground.

All the Spartans on the ground faze out and are shown to be holograms

Lord Marek – good, you are getting closer to your targets

Jack – im ready now!

Lord Marek walks up to Jack

Lord Marek – NO! you will be destroyed by them again and again, need we run the simulation again?

Jack looks down at the ground

Jack – no

Lord Marek turns away from Jack

Lord Marek – good, cause we have a new target for you to

Jack – im done following the covenant!

Lord Marek – no, this target is a training target, you will go to ______ there you will find a Spartan III base; I want you to kill them all

Jack – but, they’re Spartans? Why would I kill “them?”

Lord Marek – they’re expendable, they always where

Lord Marek walks away from Jack leaving him standing in the hologram room

Jack – *under his breathe* then what does that make me?

He drops his hammer and then follows out the hologram room.

The next frame changes to Josh, Gideon, James and Yuna in the cockpit of starship

Josh – starts with helmet on
Gideon – helmet off
James – helmet off
Yuna – helmet on

Josh pulls of his Mark VI helmet, which will reveal his purple plasma scar for the first time

Josh – Gideon where the hell are we?

The frame turns and shows Gideon, already with his helmet off

Gideon – I don’t know, we’re in uncharted space!

James – its not uncharted, you lost the charts

Gideon – there fore it is off the charts, as there is no charts, it must be off it off them

SFX – beeping on the ships computer

Gideon – I didn’t do anything

Yuna – we know, that’s some one hailing us

Josh – bring it up on screen

The frame changes to a computer screen coming up with an ODST trooper

ODST Alex – Attention, this is the UNSC frigate Skyline, you are entering a restricted site, please transmit clearance codes of we will open fire

The frame shows ships following the Defiant teams spaceship

Gideon – how can this be restricted? It’s not on the charts!

James – Gideon, go check the fuel gage or something

Yuna – Frigate Skyline, we’re survivors from Reach, currently MIA requesting permission to come aboard

SFX – radio silence

Josh – Yuna, what are you doing?

Yuna – they won’t know we’re rogue, we can get our bearings and get out of here before anyone even knows we’ve been here

James – its true, besides if this areas restricted, chances are they’re not gunna report on a random ship that comes their way

ODST Alex – clearance granted, docking co-ordinates are being sent now

Yuna – thank you frigate Skyline

The frame shows the spaceship coming into dock with the frigate

The frame goes inside the frigate as the space ship docks in the hanger

A group of ODST comes out to meet the Spartans as they come out the ship now all wearing there helmets

ODST Alex – Spartans?

The Spartans look at each other

ODST Alex – you didn’t say you had Spartans with you

Yuna takes off her helmet

Yuna – they’re with me, don’t worry, they won’t be any trouble

ODST Alex – don’t worry, you won’t be here long

The frame goes to a high window in the corner showing an EOD trooper looking down over the hanger

- EOD armor is at the bottom of the script -

The frame goes back down to the Spartans

ODST Alex – so, what do you need?

Josh – some minor repairs, and supplies too

James – and a new map card

Alex turns to the other ODST

Alex – get to work then

The other ODST’s move around the ship assessing the damage

Alex – you can stay in the barracks until you’re repairs are finished, just don’t go wondering. Got it?

Gideon – yes sir

The Spartans go past Alex and into the main part of the frigate through the door way.

The frame goes back to Jack now in a starship hanger walking towards a Girl ODST

Jack – Captain?

The ODST turns and stands at attention

ODST – Commander,

Jack – I take it you’re my new pilot

ODST – Captain Lightning Eclipse, and yes im you’re pilot

Jack – that’s an, unusual name, Lightning

Lightning – well, its not my real name

Jack – obviously

Lightning – I just prefer that name, sir

Jack – well, Lightning, is my ship ready?

Lightning – yes

SFX – hissing off screen

A pipe is shown off screen coming loose pouring smoke into the shot

Lighting takes off her helmet (concept art below)

Lightning – I can fix that

Jack walks past and onto his ship as Lightning runs to fix the pipe

The frame changes showing the ship taking off from the frigate (not the Skyline)

The frame goes inside the ship with Lightning and Jack in the cockpit

Lightning – so what’s the mission commander?

Jack – you don’t need to know that, all you need to know is where im going, that’s it. Now I need to go to _______ can you handle that?

Lightning turns back to the computer and puts her helmet back on

Lightning – yes, commander

The frame shows the ship flying off into slip space

The frame goes back to Yuna and Josh in the barracks together both with there helmets off

Yuna puts 2 fingers on the bottom of Josh’s scar and then turns around facing down the room

Yuna – so I was thinking about names for our baby

Josh smiles and then steps forwards closer to Yuna

Josh – any ideas?

He pushes his face into her neck kissing it, yuna closes her eyes

Yuna – hrmm, I want it to be something unique

SFX – alarm sirens ringing out followed by a huge explosion

Josh – what was that?!

Gideon and James burst into the room through the entrance (helmets off)

James – quick, the ships under attack

Josh puts his Mark VI helmet back on as does Yuna

The frame changes and shows the Spartans and Yuna running down a corridor

The frame shows a covenant ship attacking the Frigate Skyline outside



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